Saturday, July 26, 2008

To the club...

Went to meet Tony on Saturday. Yes, it IS my birthday, but I went to go meet Tony so I could pay him. We looked at a few stands that he had worked on the week prior. After that, Tony left and I went to the big feeder stand to do a little shooting. I actually did horribly!! I was missing everything high and to the right. I'm not sure, but I think that it's my form when shooting from the stand...something just didn't feel right.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just a mid-summer update

Yeah, I know it's summer time, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about hunting every day! I still go out and shoot my bow almost every day...I try for at least 5 times a week. I'm getting pretty good with it too...I have some off days, but most of the time I'm hitting the zone. I've picked up the application form for the Morris Plains property and am sending it in today. I've spoken to Tony about dues, they are due at the end of this month and will be $250. I told Tony that if he goes to the shoot in August with Greg I would like to go as well and that I'm available before then to hang stands, etc. I guess that's it for an update...i'll hopefully have more to add before the season starts.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I know it's summer but...

I've still been obsessing over hunting! I passed by the Recycling spot today and a turkey crossed the road and went up to where I'm thinking about being on opening day. I also have been shooting just about every day and I'm starting to really get good! Talked to Tony this week...dues are due and they are $250 this year. I told him that I would like to go to the shoot with him and Greg this year...and if they want to get together to work on stands to call me. I picked up the application yesterday from the police so that I could hunt the town property. I think that's it for now...I'll continue to obsess.