Saturday, January 12, 2008

Third deer for 2007-2008

I went out today just for an afternoon post. I went to the Cadillac stand, it was nice because I could see for a long way. It was a beautiful the mid-40's and sunny. At 4:00 I saw two does from across the ravine. They were far and they walked towards the big field, away from me. At around 4:40 a single doe was across the ravine and walking towards me. I put up my gun, looked at her through the scope and just watched. I saw her walk down the ravine on the other side and thought that she was going to walk down the ravine towards the big field as the other two does did. Instead she started walking up the ravine towards me. I kept my scope on her and she new something wasn't right...I don't think she winded me because I was downwind of her, but perhaps she saw me...she was just acting as though something wasn't right. She wasn't going to bolt though. She stopped, and gave me a quartering towards shot, so I took it and down she went. I saw her kick for literally 30 seconds and then expire. Ok, now I have to drag her UP the hill. Shooting her on the bottom wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. Especially because I didn't have a drag rope with me. I did finally get her up and out to my truck but I was really humping it. She was a very big doe.

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