Saturday, January 10, 2009

Stupid snow!

When: January 10, 2009
Where: Morning - Recycling center
Evening - Club - Stand 18
Weather: Morning, cloudy and cold. Evening, snow showers!

The morning was pretty uneventful. I got in my tree (the fat man's stand) about 6:15 and sat until 8:30 but I was cold so I left and came home. The afternoon I went to the club. I love hunting in the inch or two is great and sure makes things pretty but today the snow was really coming down. I sat in the stand from 2:00 until 4:00 but all I could think about was, "will I get out of the parking spot", "the ride home will be miserable" I decided to still hunt my way back to the truck. While walking back I passed by the Big Feeder stand. As I rounded the corner I could see a doe feeding. I stopped and put up my gun...she was on the other side of the hedgerow and as I was thinking about what I could do to get a shot she saw me, spooked and ran into the pit. I tried to stop her in the path but she didn't. I sat under the stand for a few minutes hoping she'd come back but she didn't so I left. The ride home was pretty treacherous.

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