Saturday, January 25, 2014

Finally saw a deer...

I feel like it's been forever since I've seen a deer.  I went to the club today and it's COLD and snowy!  I think the high, without windchill, was only 13 but I was determined to go.  We were also expecting between 4-6 inches of snow so I had this bright idea.  I'll pull my truck into the old farm road, sit in the back with the window open and if I see a deer, I'll shoot (and stay warm and dry at the same time).  I know it's not exactly legal, but I figured it's like sitting in a really nice ground blind.  I did just that...until about 2:15, then I decided to talk a little walk.  I went over to see what the dip stand looked like.  While I was there I saw an entire flock of turkeys!  There was also a lot of deer tracks in the snow, so as I stood there thinking i saw someone at the gate.  I walked back to my truck and saw that it was Tony.  Well, now I can't sit in my truck-stand!  He was heading towards 10 and asked if I was going to stay where I was because if I wasn't, he would.  I told him that I was just coming back to the truck to get my crate to sit on.  I got it and went back to the edge of the field where I saw the turkeys.

I sat there and it wasn't as cold as I thought I would be.  Maybe because the wind wasn't really blowing, but the snow was certainly falling.  I was sitting on the edge of the field (towards the pit) looking at the corner nearest the horse field.  At around 5 I happen to look to my right and there was a doe, 50 yards away looking right at me.  As soon as I even moved my eyelid, she took off.  Because I didn't see her coming I couldn't prepare.  That was all I saw and walked out where I met up with Tony.  He told me that, although he didn't see anything, he had seen a bunch at that spot and that Greg killed 5 or 6 from that spot.  He seemed very bothered by that and said that he was done with the club after this year...WHAT?!  He said that he's not enjoying it anymore and that as long as Joanne is working at the station we can go through her, if she retires then we can go through whoever is there.  This does not sound good!

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