Monday, April 25, 2016

Opening day Turkey 2016

What a great day it was!  To start with, it seems like the season started a little later than normal and so the weather was really  nice.  I was disappointed, however, that I couldn't smell the autumn olive.  In year's past it would fill the air with sweet fragrance but either way, it was great!

As usual, I had the club all to myself.  At dark I went into the blind that I had set up over the weekend.  I set up the decoy and went to the blind on the first field.  I didn't realize when setting up the blind that the ground underneath it wasn't level so I was sitting on a lump!  It was quite uncomfortable, to be honest.

Around 6:30ish, I had a hen come walking into the field from the railroad bed and as she started to walk around I had to adjust myself because it started to hurt sitting the way that I was.  That noise was enough to scare her off but she didn't run putting, just meandered away.  Soon afterwards, from the left of me, appeared a group of 5 deer.  I think they caught my scent (or heard me move) and they ran off too.

It was about 7:15ish and I was feeling like I should walk around.  Just then I heard a gobble, so I called and to my surprise, two gobbles!...from different directions.  One behind me to my left and one from, it sounded, across the property.  I called and they both answered back.  I thought "It may actually be on".  After a bit of calling back and forth, I noticed a hen coming into the field to my left. She was followed by two more hens.  I couldn't see them too well because of the brush but as they approached my decoy I saw a gobbler!  He also approached the decoy and I lined up my sights and pulled the trigger.  NOTHING HAPPENED!  My gun wouldn't shoot!  I checked the safety and it was absolutely off so it should be shooting.  I pulled the trigger again and nothing.  I decided to cycle another round into the chamber.  So slowly, and as quietly as I could, I cycled the pump on the shotgun.  I took off the safety again, lined up the shot and this time it went off.  The bird fell on the spot and the hens flew away.

What an awesome hunt!

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