Monday, August 24, 2009
Brought Dani to the feeders
Just to pass some time yesterday, I brought Dani to the feeders. I was quite pleased that the "no plow" seeds that I planted on Thursday or Friday (don't remember when) are already sprouting!! We saw a doe and fawn at the Recycle feeder (they weren't actually at the feeder but near it and I saw some nice fresh sign behind the work feeder! 19 days and counting!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The feeders are out! a few things have gone on since last Saturday. First, I met with the MP cull hunt program for the annual saftey meeting. The two things of note, I met with a guy named Chris. He's the one that has the feeder on the bottom of recycling. I spoke with him and I sat next to the fat man from last year. He said that he's not going to set up in his spot again this year...I reminded him about his rope and he said "yeah, I have to get that out of the tree"...bastard! I didn't set up there purposely because of that! The other thing of note was, Chris said that he has trail cam pictures of a bear in the spot. I told him that I wish he didn't tell me that. lol. Here we go again!! So, that was Tuesday night. I ordered another feeder and it came in on Wednesday so I went behind my job and hung it up. I also put down a little of the plot seed just to see if it would grow. Then today (Thursday) in the morning, I went to the MP Recycle and moved my feeder to the fat man's stand. I also put down the rest of the seed...we'll see what happens. Oh, when I was talking to Chris he said that he's got pictures of some monster bucks back there too!! Here's to many days left until the season? 23 days!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Put out the blind...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hung the feeder...
I checked the Recyle area yesterday just to make sure that I'm going to hang my feeder where the guy had his last year...damn, too late...he beat me to it. Now...what to do, what to do? I decided to hang my feeder at the beginning of the piece. It's probably not the best spot as I think all the deer will have to pass the other two guys before coming to me, but there was some fresh sign there and I have seen deer go that was in the past. Again, they would have to walk past the other guys first...I also left some corn in the bag and put it behind my job. I found a neat little spot back there...there is a guy with a stand at the corner of the property, but this looks to be far enough away from him. I was also thinking about getting another feeder and putting it there....don't know though. CAN'T WAIT for the season to start!
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