Saturday, September 22, 2007

September 22, 2007

Date: 9/22/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Rainy morning, cloudy and humid afternoon
Summary: I sat only for night post. I went to Dani’s soccer and Gianna’s softball game in the morning. It started raining around 12:00 so the second game was cancelled. Went home and relaxed for a little bit. Got to the woods around 3:00 and it was overcast but humid and still a little warm. At about 4:30-5:00 the sun came out and it got warm, it was still humid and the wind started to pick up a bit. There was a cold front moving in. I didn’t see anything.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In my underwear!!

Date: 9/18/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Warm, but pleasant,
Summary: I brought my mom to the hospital for tests this morning. I dropped her off after we went to breakfast and then I went up to the club. I got there around 12:00, pulled into the farm road right before the entrance gate and figured I would take a nap. I took off my pants as it was hot in my truck and laid down. My phone rang so I got up to answer it, after getting off the phone I noticed two deer picking their way down the road about 150 yards ahead. I snuck out of my truck and to the back. I noticed the deer walking into the hedgerow on the left side so I got on my boots and took my bow and snuck into the field on the left. As I worked my way down the field, close to the edge I found a little cut-out. I stayed in there waiting but when nothing was happening I stuck my head out and looked down the field. I noticed a deer running towards me so I got back into the cutout. A small fawn passed by where I was, but directly across the field. I drew back and made a noise to stop it. I stopped and I shot, a total miss. I saw more deer coming so I nocked another arrow and waited for the next deer to pass by. As it did, I took a shot at that doe. By the way…I’m IN MY UNDERWEAR!! After I shot, the deer walked to the middle of the field and laid down. I thought I got her for sure. I stood still as she laid there; she then got up and walked away. I walked over to where she was when I shot and found my arrow, but no blood. When the doe walked away I could have sworn that I saw her guts hanging out so I was convinced that I had hit her. I walked over to where I thought she was laying and found nothing. I looked for a long time, probably close to an hour and a half. I went back to my truck and got on my pants. I still wasn’t convinced so I went back and looked again. Still not finding anything I decided to go to my tree. I sat for a while and wanted to get out and look again. Still not finding anything I went back into the tree. The only thing I saw was a buck, it was the spiker and never made it’s way totally to my tree, but just came close.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007

Date: 9/15/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Warm, but pleasant, rainy
Summary: I sat only for morning post. Left the tree really early, around 8:30 because I hadn’t seen anything. Then went to Gianna’s softball games.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Trigger malfunction and a miss

Date: 9/14/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Warm, medium breezy and cloudy
Summary: I sat a night post after going golfing. I got into the stand around 3:45. At around 6 I saw a doe coming from up towards the end of the field where the bucks come from. The doe started working down the field and then I lost sight of it. Shortly after that 4 does came from across the field (the long way) and to the feeder. I drew back on the lead doe once she came to the feeder and as I pulled the trigger on the release had a malfunction. When I pulled the trigger nothing happened…my mind started to race and the deer turned. I started to turn with her, but I stopped concentrating on the pin and the arrow finally released but went sailing under the deer. They all took off, stopped around 50 yards from me and started snorting…they then left. About a half hour later I saw another doe coming from the buck spot, but it too just disappeared. I left the tree around 7:20.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Opening Day Bow

Date: 9/8/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Hot and Sunny
Summary: The day was super hot and sunny. In the morning I went to stand 13, the new ladder stand next to the new feeder. Of course I forgot a pair of socks and let me tell you…bare feet in rubber boots in the heat…not fun. I couldn’t get my boots off after getting out of the tree. I saw a big doe and a fawn in the morning post at approximately 7:00am and left stand by 9:30. I like the new stand, although there’s really not all that much room up there and my harness won’t fit on the tree. I then went to Gianna’s softball game in Sparta. They kicked butt and Gianna hit a grand slam!! For afternoon post I was in stand by 3:30 and saw a 5-point buck come by at around 6:00. He was followed by a spike buck about 10 minutes later. After about 15 minutes the 5-pointer left and the spike stayed around for an additional 10 minutes. It was really cool to sit there and watch them although I wanted a doe to come in really badly. Apparently Greg got one in the morning and Tony missed two shots in the afternoon. I can’t wait to get back…and I really hope that no one is going to screw that stand up for me by hunting in it. I’ll be going on Friday night post.

Friday, September 7, 2007

My 2007 Hunting blog

This is my hunting blog