Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In my underwear!!

Date: 9/18/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Warm, but pleasant,
Summary: I brought my mom to the hospital for tests this morning. I dropped her off after we went to breakfast and then I went up to the club. I got there around 12:00, pulled into the farm road right before the entrance gate and figured I would take a nap. I took off my pants as it was hot in my truck and laid down. My phone rang so I got up to answer it, after getting off the phone I noticed two deer picking their way down the road about 150 yards ahead. I snuck out of my truck and to the back. I noticed the deer walking into the hedgerow on the left side so I got on my boots and took my bow and snuck into the field on the left. As I worked my way down the field, close to the edge I found a little cut-out. I stayed in there waiting but when nothing was happening I stuck my head out and looked down the field. I noticed a deer running towards me so I got back into the cutout. A small fawn passed by where I was, but directly across the field. I drew back and made a noise to stop it. I stopped and I shot, a total miss. I saw more deer coming so I nocked another arrow and waited for the next deer to pass by. As it did, I took a shot at that doe. By the way…I’m IN MY UNDERWEAR!! After I shot, the deer walked to the middle of the field and laid down. I thought I got her for sure. I stood still as she laid there; she then got up and walked away. I walked over to where she was when I shot and found my arrow, but no blood. When the doe walked away I could have sworn that I saw her guts hanging out so I was convinced that I had hit her. I walked over to where I thought she was laying and found nothing. I looked for a long time, probably close to an hour and a half. I went back to my truck and got on my pants. I still wasn’t convinced so I went back and looked again. Still not finding anything I decided to go to my tree. I sat for a while and wanted to get out and look again. Still not finding anything I went back into the tree. The only thing I saw was a buck, it was the spiker and never made it’s way totally to my tree, but just came close.

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