Saturday, September 8, 2007

Opening Day Bow

Date: 9/8/07
Season: Deer - Bow
Location: Hunting Club
Conditions: Hot and Sunny
Summary: The day was super hot and sunny. In the morning I went to stand 13, the new ladder stand next to the new feeder. Of course I forgot a pair of socks and let me tell you…bare feet in rubber boots in the heat…not fun. I couldn’t get my boots off after getting out of the tree. I saw a big doe and a fawn in the morning post at approximately 7:00am and left stand by 9:30. I like the new stand, although there’s really not all that much room up there and my harness won’t fit on the tree. I then went to Gianna’s softball game in Sparta. They kicked butt and Gianna hit a grand slam!! For afternoon post I was in stand by 3:30 and saw a 5-point buck come by at around 6:00. He was followed by a spike buck about 10 minutes later. After about 15 minutes the 5-pointer left and the spike stayed around for an additional 10 minutes. It was really cool to sit there and watch them although I wanted a doe to come in really badly. Apparently Greg got one in the morning and Tony missed two shots in the afternoon. I can’t wait to get back…and I really hope that no one is going to screw that stand up for me by hunting in it. I’ll be going on Friday night post.

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