Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another super-crowded day!!

Well, it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving and the crowd never left! Again, it was super crowded...this time we left the truck early and got our normal starting spot. We walked a long time without seeing a bird. We finally got one up on the other side of the lake but it was flying over the lake so we didnt shoot. We went looking for it as we walked all the way around the lake and up into the woods but saw nothing. What a dismal stocking day. Still a great time, however

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well, I waited a few days to write this so I'm sure it's going to be very short and probably not all that complete...however, with that said...WOW, what a crowd on Thanksgiving up at Flatbrook!! The parking lot was tripple parked so we decided to start out up the hill instead of braving the field. We heard a lot of shooting in the field, although we heard that only a few birds were there, but we saw not much on the hill. Bacci put up one hen in the pines that Greg got. He flushed a bird from the top of the hill but we weren't near him so we couldn't shoot and then one at the end that Joe shot but we couldn't recover. That was it. Then I headed home for some turkey dinner!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's cold!!

Today I went to Flatbrook with was only 16 degrees!! We started down the first field and Bacci was acting a little strangely. For some reason he didn't take off with his normal fervor...he just sort of walked along with us. We saw nothing in the first field, so we continued on and the second field was empty. Once we got to the back of the third field, along the swamp, Greg went inside the woods and I went along the edge. Bacci went on point and when I walked in, instead of the bird flying out, Bacci pulled her out. She was alive but shot in the down. As we walked along to the end of that patch, Bacci walked past a cockbird that took off...I called to Greg but not sure how far away he was I took him as he flew towards the river. We doubled back to the river side and Greg saw a cockbird along the river. We sent Bacci in and he pointed him...the bird, however, flew over the river so although Greg shot, he didn't really try to hit him...and he didn't. We continued walking along into the second field when I saw a cockbird get shot at and missed along the swamp...we decided to go in after him. As we crossed the field Bacci went on point. This was in the middle of the second field so we assumed it was a "used to be" but then as we walked into the spot Bacci was pointing a hen took off, directly at the sun, and Greg got off two shots...missing, so I threw a shot...but we both missed, barely seeing the bird in the sun. As we were talking about it, Bacci went on point again...assuming this was were the other bird was (and moved from) we didn't really think anything of it...until a hen took off...again, into the sun. Greg shot once and she went down... I couldn't see her at all. We walked around for a bit more but saw no more birds.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rain, Rain, go away....

I went pheasant hunting today at Flatbrook with Daniella. It was unseasonably warm. When we left the house it was drizzling a bit but when we got on the road it started to downpour. I asked Dani if she wanted me to bring her back home and she said "we won't melt". When we got to the parking lot we were the only ones there...soon Greg, Amil and John showed up but when we pulled in there were at least 12 birds in the trees. We flushed a few out. We started out in the first field...Bacci pointed a cockbird that Dani saw first and I got him. We walked through the rest of the first field to the end and decided to double back. We worked the woods and then down along the river to the end. While we were at the last field we heard a cockbird cackling so we walked towards the swamp...we were searching for the bird and someone put up a hen from across the it flew towards us Greg got her. We went back along the river. At the end, it was really muddy and at one point Dani's boots got stuck...she panicked thinking that we were going to leave We worked back along the swamp and I thought that if the hen was still sitting hidden in the tree along the parking lot I was going to give Dani the opportunity to take her first bird. We got back to the parking lot and the bird was still there so I took Dani and got her ready to shoot. I could tell she was uneasy and it took a lot of coaxing. Finally, at the end, she got the gun up...took aim...clicked off the safety and said "Dad, I can't do it". She was afraid to shoot...afraid it would hurt her. I took the gun and Greg and I walked in to get the hen out of the tree. She flew off and I shot twice, Greg once and we both missed! lol. Dani was behind my truck crying...dissapointed in herself. I told her that I wasn't and that when she was ready she'll know. It started pouring again and we left.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Morning bird, evening deer...

When: Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Where: Morning, Berkshire Valley, Evening, Club - 13
Weather: Great in the morning...breezy in the evening, partly cloudy and low 40's

I started the day by heading to Berkshire Valley to do some pheasant hunting. During the first push I headed into the first field. Quickly after going in, there were guys starting to close in and there was a dog that wouldn't listen to his owner and wouldn't leave Bacci alone so I turned around. I went into the woods at the edge and Bacci kicked up a hen. Got her. Then we walked around for about an hour. On the way back to the truck from the first field, around 8, we passed a small clump right off the road. Bacci went on rock solid point. I didn't think there was anything there becuase aside from a thousand guys going through there, I had just met and talked with a guy that went through that area with two dogs. So, I walked up to Bacci and held him on point for a bit...I got my gun ready (just in case) and a cockbird took off and I got him. A great morning!!

Brought Bacci back home and then headed to the club for a long evening post. Started out going into the felt good but I didn't feel comfortable shooting out of that stand though so I quickly left there and went to 13. It was a great post but I saw nothing.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Opening day pheasant!

Today was a very warm (in the 60's), overcast and drizzly day. We started at 8 because it was opening day and we heard birds cackling all over the place. We started in the first field and never got out. We went to the end and both Greg and I got a bird and then we doubled back and on the way back he and I got our second birds. I missed one additional and Greg missed three others...after we were done Bacci actually pointed three other birds...I think we had 11 flushes in all. It was quite an eventful morning and we were done in no time at all. Bacci did a great job finding and holding points. He also retrieved two birds for us.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quick morning post...

When: November 1, 2008
Where: The club - big feeder stand
Weather: Just gorgeous...chilly (around 32) and beautiful

I was only able to get out for morning post because I have a gig tonight. I was the only one up at the club and decided to go to the big feeder stand so I can see what kind of movement the deer make. At around 7:15-7:30 I had either a spike or fork walk about 60 yards through the field towards the road. That was it and I got out of the stand around 9.