Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rain, Rain, go away....

I went pheasant hunting today at Flatbrook with Daniella. It was unseasonably warm. When we left the house it was drizzling a bit but when we got on the road it started to downpour. I asked Dani if she wanted me to bring her back home and she said "we won't melt". When we got to the parking lot we were the only ones there...soon Greg, Amil and John showed up but when we pulled in there were at least 12 birds in the trees. We flushed a few out. We started out in the first field...Bacci pointed a cockbird that Dani saw first and I got him. We walked through the rest of the first field to the end and decided to double back. We worked the woods and then down along the river to the end. While we were at the last field we heard a cockbird cackling so we walked towards the swamp...we were searching for the bird and someone put up a hen from across the it flew towards us Greg got her. We went back along the river. At the end, it was really muddy and at one point Dani's boots got stuck...she panicked thinking that we were going to leave We worked back along the swamp and I thought that if the hen was still sitting hidden in the tree along the parking lot I was going to give Dani the opportunity to take her first bird. We got back to the parking lot and the bird was still there so I took Dani and got her ready to shoot. I could tell she was uneasy and it took a lot of coaxing. Finally, at the end, she got the gun up...took aim...clicked off the safety and said "Dad, I can't do it". She was afraid to shoot...afraid it would hurt her. I took the gun and Greg and I walked in to get the hen out of the tree. She flew off and I shot twice, Greg once and we both missed! lol. Dani was behind my truck crying...dissapointed in herself. I told her that I wasn't and that when she was ready she'll know. It started pouring again and we left.

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