Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's cold!!

Today I went to Flatbrook with was only 16 degrees!! We started down the first field and Bacci was acting a little strangely. For some reason he didn't take off with his normal fervor...he just sort of walked along with us. We saw nothing in the first field, so we continued on and the second field was empty. Once we got to the back of the third field, along the swamp, Greg went inside the woods and I went along the edge. Bacci went on point and when I walked in, instead of the bird flying out, Bacci pulled her out. She was alive but shot in the down. As we walked along to the end of that patch, Bacci walked past a cockbird that took off...I called to Greg but not sure how far away he was I took him as he flew towards the river. We doubled back to the river side and Greg saw a cockbird along the river. We sent Bacci in and he pointed him...the bird, however, flew over the river so although Greg shot, he didn't really try to hit him...and he didn't. We continued walking along into the second field when I saw a cockbird get shot at and missed along the swamp...we decided to go in after him. As we crossed the field Bacci went on point. This was in the middle of the second field so we assumed it was a "used to be" but then as we walked into the spot Bacci was pointing a hen took off, directly at the sun, and Greg got off two shots...missing, so I threw a shot...but we both missed, barely seeing the bird in the sun. As we were talking about it, Bacci went on point again...assuming this was were the other bird was (and moved from) we didn't really think anything of it...until a hen took off...again, into the sun. Greg shot once and she went down... I couldn't see her at all. We walked around for a bit more but saw no more birds.

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