Saturday, October 31, 2009

In the parking lot!!

So I went behind my company this morning, got to the parking area around 5:15 and got out and started to get dressed. I was about halfway done and a really nice buck came strolling THROUGH THE PARKING AREA! He walked about 40 or so yards away from me, grunting the whole way. I couldn't really see how many points he was, but his rack was pretty nice...even in the dark. After I got in the woods, all I saw was two squirrels!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hiding from deer....or people?

Went out today behind the office. I haven't been back there for about two weeks and when I walked back there I was amazed at how many leaves were off the tree. After looking for a place where I might find some more cover, I climbed into the regular tree. I felt like I was sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I could see the trucks clearly...I watched two people walking laps... I actually would hide from people walking by and trucks pulling in! the weather was perfect for seeing deer...the only problem was...I didn't!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jeez, it's the cops!!

So, I went out to the Recycling center today. It was an absolutely perfect day. it was sunny, 62, a very slight breeze...I really expected to see deer tonight! I got into the stand and set up by 3:00. By 3:30 I heard something coming up the walk way. I turned and saw a guy walking...wearing khaki pants and a golf shirt...he was carrying something in his hands. He passed me by. Keep in mind that the pathway is only 24 yards from my tree. He came back very shortly after he left and it appeared that he had a walkie talkie in his hand. Strange, I thought. He MAY have seen me on the way back out but I'm not sure. About 5 minutes later the cops come zooming up the path way. They do a quick K-turn right next to my stand and zoom away. STRANGE! A little while later I saw a guy across the field barbecuing...this is certainly a strange way to hunt. (but it did smell really

At 5:00 a doe surprised me and came in from an area I wasn't expecting. I wasn't ready for her. I sllllloooowwwwlllyy got myself into a position to take her if I wanted to...but as I was trying to, she kept eyeing me up and sniffing the air. She turned and I could see some black "stuff" on her left thigh...hmmm...what is that?! Do I really want to take her? She's not that big either. By the time I decided what I wanted to do, she was gone. A little while later, by about 5:30, the two little buttons came back. I watched them for a while...contemplating about how much I need some venison for the freezer, but decided that I needed to let them walk.

All in all, it was a tremendous night!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nothing but a bug storm!

Went out behind the Recycle center. It was an absolutely beautiful day...sunny and 73 with a slight breeze. It was gorgeous...not for deer apparently because I didn't see a single hair of a deer, but it was so nice I had a hard time staying awake in the tree! On the way in, however, I was caught in the middle of a swarm of lady bugs...this swarm went on the entire afternoon that I was there. It was kind of cool to see.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First cold morning...

I went out behind my job this morning. I knew I only had time for a morning hunt because i had a gig at night and I also wanted to get to Gianna's softball game. I went in and got set up by started to get light at 6:40. I saw nothing...but it was pretty cool and had been raining so it was the kind of cold that gets to your bone.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gave 'em a pass....

Went out to the Recycling center today. It was nice, about 62, but really windy. I honestly didn't expect to see anything. At around 4:45 I had two small deer walk into me. They came from the roadside of the property and I watched them from about 50 yards out. I could clearly see that one was a button...the other, I wasn't so sure about. It didn't look all that different from the button so I decided to give them a pass. I watched them feed around my stand for about 20 minutes...close enough that I could spit on them. They walked away. A little while later, maybe by around 6:00, I had two deer come in from the houses side. The first one came into me and I thought that it was the 2nd deer that I wasn't sure if it was a button or not, I needed to see the other one that it was with to make sure. I watched and then I drew back...the deer walked up, under my stand and by the time I saw the second deer was NOT the button, I realized that this was a doe but she was under my stand and I couldn't draw on her. My bow hit the railing! They took off spooked, but I don't think from me. Not sure. I waited until it was just about dark...I couldn't really see well and started to pack up my stuff. From the other side of the big tree next to me, I heard the leaves. Apparently the two does had come back to me...but I didn't know. Now it was getting really dark but I took my bow and slowly tried to turn around in the stand. By the time I was turned, the deer were on the path, around 27 yards from me. I didn't feel comfortable taking a shot when it was so dark, pointed towards the again, I gave them a pass. It was an eventful evening.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

I hobbled in....

My ankle was still hurting today but there was nothing keeping me out of the woods today. Went behind my job in the morning. It was a cool, foggy morning...just like I like it. By 8:30, I heard a CRASH right next to me. In the thicket between me and the drive, a small buck...looked like a spike, came crashing out of the thicket and back in. I saw the brush move and then it stopped. I wasn't sure if he was in there or left. I assumed he was shot and running away. I got out of the tree at 9:30 so I can see Dani's game and I walked over to where I saw him last. As I peeked in the brush, I saw him get up and walk off. I think his left front leg looked bad. Not sure if he was shot or hit, but I think he was messed up.

Went to the club in the afternoon. Saw Tony and Brad. I sat in the swamp stand and at 4:45 had, what looked to be, a spike walk out into the field. He walked towards the swamp and then was gone (have no idea where). Tony got a doe in 3. Brad saw nothing in 10

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Well, I went out this was a really nice morning. The weather was a little warmer than it's been, but it was hazy, foggy, it was nice. I went behind my job. Although it was a nice morning, I didn't see anything. I wonder if the full moon had something to do with that. After my morning post, I went to see Dani play softball in Randolph. While I was there I sprained my ankle...instead of going hunting in the evening, I went to the ER! I hope this damned thing gets better soon...I don't want to miss too much hunting!!! GRRRRR!!