Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's amazing how good their hearing is...

That could also be entitled, "My season...what else could go wrong". I went out today and it was just gorgeous!! First I went in MP by the tower. I got in about a half hour or so before light and it was brisk out...about 24. I sat sort of near the tower, kind of where that ladder stand was...and as the sun came up, I saw such a beautiful orange ball rise out of the sky beyond the horizon. I saw about a million squirrels...but no deer. I got out of the tree and went home for lunch. Afterwards I headed to the club.

I got to the club around 1:30 and I was the only one there. The weather was absolutely beautiful and perfect. I sat in stand 10 and just really enjoyed the afternoon. Just about last light, I had a nice sized doe come within about 20 yards or so from my stand to my left. The problem is, I was expecting her to the right and I shoot lefty. So, as she was passing my tree, I turned. As I turned, apparently the sound of my butt against the wood is louder than I could perceive and she took off. Only a few steps...but away from me...behind me. So, I waited and waiting. We played a little stare down. I was being hidden by the tree so I decided, because she wasn't going to come back, I was going to stand up and try to swing around the tree. Well, she didn't like that too much. Don't know if she saw me (which I don't think) or heard me...but she wasn't sticking around anymore. It was a beautiful day.

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