Friday, April 30, 2010

I hate turkey hunting...

I decided to start the day by Cadillac. I get in at dark, right before sun up and I sit. As soon as it get's sort of light, two birds gobble...and they are close! I looked across the ravine and two birds are roosted within sight of me!! I watched them while they would occasionally gobble. I used a soft yelp and cluck, just once hoping that it would convince them to fly down towards me. They eventually flew straight down and, after a moment or two, I called lightly. The next thing I knew I heard them gobbling what seemed like forever away. Couldn't be the two birds that I JUST saw! I waited, convinced that they were coming in silent. and waited. and waited. Nothing. The two that I heard a good distance away WERE the two that came off roost. I tried to circle around them but never found them. I tried the rest of the property but nothing. Why do I keep turkey hunting?!

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