Saturday, December 11, 2010

No, I'm not Goldie Locks!

Went to the club today to do a drive with Tony and Greg. I got up there a bit early and sat at the end of the field that 10 is on. Shortly afterwards I saw Tony coming out of the woods so I met him and we waited for Greg. Once he got there, around 8:30, we planned the days drives. We started with the first pit near 10. I posted near the entrance road and the only reason I mention this (because we didn't see any deer) is because I found out a few hours later that Tony walked in on 3 bears underneath stand 10!! Glad they waited a while to tell me. We continued pushing the left side of the property. We moved over to push the river and make our way up the right side. I posted up on the hilltop where I was turkey hunting in the Spring, near the river bottom. Tony sat at stand 9 and Greg pushed the river bottom. As I sat on the hillside, I heard a loud rustling in the leaves right on the other side of some brush from where I was sitting. A minute later I heard Tony shoot. I waited for Greg to catch up and we went to meet Tony. He had taken a spike that I had apparently spooked away from me. That was the only deer all day. We pushed the rest of the property but never found another. I did a short sit at night near the #9 stand.

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