Friday, April 29, 2011

Holy Crap!! Turkey down!!!!

Went out again for turkey's today.  It was a beautiful, chilly morning.  It stormed like a son of a gun yesterday so I was hoping it would turn the birds on today.  I went back to the big field and tucked myself into the brush.  I started by calling lightly on a slate...nothing.  After a while I started softly on my glass call...nothing.  I didn't hear a gobble at all.  I sat from 5:30 until 6:45 without hearing anything.  I won't lie, I was starting to think that I wasn't going to hear anything this season.  Then, a truck pulled up to the weigh station...The noise of the truck alllllmost make me think I heard a bird...not a gobble, but something.  But I figured I was nuts...about 10 minutes, the truck was still at the station and I heard a gobble that made me pee was right in the railroad bed.  I called and he answered back...I waited a few minutes and called again.  He answered back but was it from further away?  Is he going the other way down the railroad bed?!  NO!!!  Just then...he must have been at the edge of the field because he gobbled and it made my hair stand on end.  He was close!  I waited...and put up my gun aiming out in front of me.  I had my decoy about 25 yards in front of me...I managed to peek through the bush that I was up against and saw not one, but two gobblers coming into my decoy.  They walked toward her and then stopped just out of my sight.  I could see them both through the brush.  All of a sudden the truck that was at the station pulled up the road.  The birds didn't like that...and they turned to walk back into the woods.  I knew that I didn't have much of a choice so I took my gun, stuck it through a hole in the bush and when the second bird walked through the little opening, at 6:50, I shot.  He went down and the other bird ran off.  I GOT MY FIRST BIRD!!!!  I dropped my gun, my call and ran to the bird.  I couldn't believe it!! Best day ever!  When I got home I went fishing in my kayak and caught a bass...and then I'm going to the Yankee game with Gianna.  Life is so good!

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