Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Turkey trio trample...

I spent the entire day on Monday at the club looking for a gobble, but they turkeys just didn't want to cooperate.  I started at the blind but then, after a while, I walked the entire property.  Nothing.  When I returned to the property on Tuesday, as soon as the sky started getting light, I heard gobbling from across the street.  It got my blood pumped.  I went back in to the blind and made a few soft calls.  I didn't get a response.  I waited for a while, about 10 minutes, and then called again.  Still nothing.  I waited 10 more minutes and repeated the calling.  This went on for about 45 minutes when, after my last calling sequence, I got a response.  It was a little far away so I wasn't sure if it was for me or not, but I waited.  This time only 5 minutes and then called again.  I got a response, it was definitely to me and it was closer.  I waited 5 minutes and called, the gobble was closer ...now I know it's coming in.  The last time I heard it gobble before I saw it, it sounded as though it was sitting next to me.  Then I saw movement out to my right side.  It was THREE gobblers, one as nice as the next.  They came in together, grouped close so I had to wait it out.  Once the lead gobbler got some distance between him and the other two I squeezed my trigger and dropped him.  The other two, instead of running, gobbled and then did a dance on the dying gobbler.  This went on for about 5 minutes or so until the other two walked off, gobbling the whole way.  The bird had a 9 1/2" beard, 1" spurs and weighed in at 23 pounds.  My biggest bird to date!

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