Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nice day at the club

I went to the club this afternoon after Dani's softball games.  It was warm day and I decided to take my stand in and climb up a tree off the farm road where I was last time (near the old #5 stand).  When I got there, I see that Tony's truck was there and then the Nurse pulled up (don't remember his name).  We chit chatted for a little bit and he told me that Greg was supposed to call me to let me know not to hunt there until the regular season...oh well.

I went to the farm road with the stand and couldn't find a tree to climb in the area I wanted.  Instead, I put my stand down and I sat on the ground, in the hedgerow along the big field.  At 5:20 I saw three does come out into the field further down than I was sitting.  They were a bit nervous, like they could sense something wasn't right but didn't know what.  They eventually moved further down the field and I didn't see them again. At around 6:30 or so, I saw more deer walking out from the same area but this time it was a doe and a spike.  They too could sense something wasn't right...they worked into the field and eventually the buck had to come check me out.  He slowly and cautiously walked towards me...little by little, bobbing his head the whole time, trying to make out what I was.  He got to about 15 yards and then turned broadside.  Just staring at me trying to make me out.  I didn't want to shoot a spike so I just watched him.  Eventually they made their way down the field as well.  As I left, I could see the group of 5 hanging out towards the bottom of the field.  I should move in closer and figure out where I could hang a stand near there.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Last time for a while...

Took the afternoon off today and headed to the dump.  I think that this will be the last time for a while.  I didn't see any deer and there was even corn on the ground that wasn't touched.  I didn't see any sign at all.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I stink...

No, I mean literally!  I went to Dani's softball games this morning and then headed to the club.  The afternoon ended up a bit warmer than I was expecting but it was beautiful out.  It's the kind of weather that could put you right to sleep as you're sitting  in your stand.

I got to the club and there was no one there.  I decided to take a few practice shots with my xbow to make sure that I was spot on.  While I was doing that Jeff showed up, but apparently only to check his key.  He told me that he and Tony were not going to hunt the club until the regular season because there's some big boys on the property and they didn't want to push them off.  Well, I don't have that luxury so I'm hunting the club.  He left and I finished getting dressed with the intention of going to the dip stand.  I walked there and the stand wasn't looking all that secure.  I decided to go somewhere else and walked to the first field and up until I can find a place to tuck in.  I walked in the hedgerow on the edge of the farm road and into the next hedgerow.  It was a great little spot but by the time I settled I was sweating my arse off!  I sat and waited and finally cooled off.

At around 5:00 I slowly turned and saw some movement through the trees behind me.  It was thick but I could see a deer moving around.  I watched it for a while until I lost sight of it.  Around a half hour later I noticed a few deer across the first field, towards the swamp.  I watched them for a while and they disappeared.  What I didn't know is that they were making their way towards me.  They walked to the edge of the field but behind some thick brush.  One of them must have caught my scent and winded me.  The breeze was swirling and I sweat like a pig so I wasn't surprised.  She/he snorted and took off.

About a half hour later I heard movement behind me.  I turned slowly and saw three deer...and two of them were bucks.  I couldn't tell what the other was.  I saw the larger of the two (which I think was only a 4) did a little sparring and rubbing.  They were literally 10 yards from me.  They walked on (not sure where to) but shortly afterwards there must have been another deer behind them that caught wind of me (damn swirling wind) and started blowing.  He/she took off and it got dark.  I made my way out of my spot and into the field and noticed two deer downhill from me.  I snuck out to the left and as I did I noticed the deer walking towards where I just left.  When I got near my truck I looked through the range finder and noticed that it was one of the bucks (couldn't tell how big from that far).

Looks promising.  i think i'm going to try that spot again but with my portable stand (and hopefully not sweat my arse off getting in).

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A spike in the distance

I left work early today to get back in the woods.  It is a gorgeous day!!  high 60's and sunny.  I went back to the dump and got into the tree around 2:45.  Aside from a plethora of squirrels, I saw one spike buck on the other hill at around 5:30.  Although I saw no deer, it was a wonderful afternoon in the woods.  On a side note, the crossbow is clunky to have in a treestand but it sits nicely on my lap.  I also like that at the end of the day, I have a little target practice while un-cocking the bow.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Opening day

Here it is, opening day of deer 2013!!   I decided to start out at the dump.  I only had a few hours because I had to bring Dani to softball.  Jeannie is working the town-wide garage sale so I can only go for the morning post.  It was cloudy and quite chilly.  I got in the tree around 5:45 and waited for the sun.  The only thing I saw the entire time was a few squirrels.  I got out of the tree at 10 and went to softball.

Well now, THAT's a problem...

The season is quickly coming up so my practice regimen has been increasing.  I do try and shoot every morning.  The morning of Sept 9th I went outside to shoot...drew back the bow and the bow let off.  I hate when that happens.  I drew back again (without checking the arrow) and shot.  What I heard was a slap and the arrow landed about 10 feet short of the target...crap!  I had a partial dry fire.  The only thing I can think of is that the arrow un-nocked itself partially and when I shot, it sort of dry fired.  Now what!?  I decided that because there is no time to get my bow looked at in time, I've got two options; don't hunt or get a crossbow.  I had always wanted to play with a crossbow anyway so after some research I went to Dick's and picked up the Barnett Wildcat C5.  I didn't want to spend a ton of money because I didn't know if I would like using one.  I only had a few days left until the season started so that night, the night of the 11th I put it together.  The next morning I took my first shot at 15 yards and it was just about dialed in already.  My first impression is holy cow!  The potential energy in this can just feel it.  It was so powerful when I shot too...its actually a little intimidating.   Now, on to Saturday!