Saturday, September 28, 2013

Nice day at the club

I went to the club this afternoon after Dani's softball games.  It was warm day and I decided to take my stand in and climb up a tree off the farm road where I was last time (near the old #5 stand).  When I got there, I see that Tony's truck was there and then the Nurse pulled up (don't remember his name).  We chit chatted for a little bit and he told me that Greg was supposed to call me to let me know not to hunt there until the regular season...oh well.

I went to the farm road with the stand and couldn't find a tree to climb in the area I wanted.  Instead, I put my stand down and I sat on the ground, in the hedgerow along the big field.  At 5:20 I saw three does come out into the field further down than I was sitting.  They were a bit nervous, like they could sense something wasn't right but didn't know what.  They eventually moved further down the field and I didn't see them again. At around 6:30 or so, I saw more deer walking out from the same area but this time it was a doe and a spike.  They too could sense something wasn't right...they worked into the field and eventually the buck had to come check me out.  He slowly and cautiously walked towards me...little by little, bobbing his head the whole time, trying to make out what I was.  He got to about 15 yards and then turned broadside.  Just staring at me trying to make me out.  I didn't want to shoot a spike so I just watched him.  Eventually they made their way down the field as well.  As I left, I could see the group of 5 hanging out towards the bottom of the field.  I should move in closer and figure out where I could hang a stand near there.

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