Saturday, November 30, 2013

Another slow Saturday

I'm so disappointed in Pheasant hunting this year.  I'm sure that it's because I don't have my dog but it seems so dang slow.  I am not even getting to shoot.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Went for my traditional Thanksgiving day hunt up at Flatbrook.  The stocking was still pretty light.  It seems that most of the birds were against the river or on the other side of the river.  Greg and I didn't get a shot until we were almost done and then it was a flyover from the other side of the river.  Greg got it.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Another slow day birds....

Went bird hunting at Flatbrook today.  Another slow day.  Really nothing to even talk about other than Greg and I were so disgusted we were only there a short time.  I then went to the club to hunt deer and set up on the side of the hill next to 13.  Felt good that I would see a deer and get a shot.  I didn't.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bird hunting at Danny's club

Had a fantastic time with Daniella and Danny hunting at his club.  Bacci did really well for an hour but then couldn't quite make the second hour.  Danny's dog, Archie is really good...runs like a rocket!  But holds like a stone.  We got 11 birds...3 pheasant and the rest chukkar.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Kind of slow...

Went to Flatbrook again this morning and started at the same place we did last week.  It was slow.  We didn't see a bird in the first field so we turned around and went up the hill.  Did the same track as we did last week.  This time, however, we found a hen on the top of the hill in our favorite spot.  I got her.  Didn't see another bird until we got back into the swamp and then I found one in a tree, already dead.  Greg climbed the tree and got it.  Then, when we were done (including going across the road and walking the mountain), we were in the lot talking (the only two cars left there) and someone from the field shot and apparently missed because the bird flew on the top of the hill.  We grabbed our guns and went up and I got her (after Greg missed twice). It was a gorgeous day so even thought it was slow, it was nice to be here...and I got two birds.

Friday, November 15, 2013


I took off work early to head back to the club.  I wanted to sit at 13 again because I feel like I'm so close there, just can't make it work.  I got to the club and drove to the pit.  I wanted to look at the path crossing when I got there to see if there was a place I could sit instead of the stand.  There is, sort of...but it would be hard.  I would be in the open a little bit so I went back to the stand.  As I was getting dressed, a bulldozer drove by me and then by the stand.  I thought, this can't be good.  When I got to the stand I was devastated to see that the lower field was now bulldozed under also.  I didn't hear the dozer while I was in the stand so I assumed he was over the top near the end of the property.  At 3:30 he came back down the hill, by me and into the pit.   I guess he's done for the day.  I'm sitting on the moon!

My discouragement was short lived.  I saw three does (not huge) walking from the top, across the moon to the hedgerow.  They walked around there for a bit and then crossed into the thick brush, and then across the path.  Shortly after, I saw a 5 pointer, being followed by a spike, that walked from the thick stuff to my right, to just about in front of me.  Then went up the hill, over into the brush, and then across the path.  Then, at last light, I saw what I think or describe as a palmated was like a spike (with big long spikes) that have nubs off of them...I think it was a 7 or 8.  Despite the moonscape, it was an exciting night.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Early at Black River

Decided to go in late to work and try out Black River on first push.  All I can say is, it's hard to hunt without a dog.  There were a lot of cards but I never felt crowded.  I was told by others that the weekends are not fun.  I didn't see anything but will try again with Bacci.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Opening day pheasant - first without Bacci

Not like a normal opening day.  Now that I've moved, I could go 4 minutes from my house in one direction, 15 minutes in another but instead, I have to drive all the way up to Flatbrook to go to my normal spot.  Just because!  I got to the lot and  it was crowded but not quite as much as I thought it would be.  Greg and I were going to start in our normal spot but as we were standing there, a bunch of other guys and their dogs stood right next to us so we went further down the road.  We started at the far end of the field and as we started, we put up one cock bird which Greg shot.  I was surprised how slow everyone went and how little birds we saw.  After the first field, Greg and I went to the hill.  We saw nothing up there which was surprising.  We crossed the road again and made our way back into the swamp.  It was very dry so we could walk most of it.  As we were in there, some guys put up a triple!  We saw where they went so we went in pursuit.  We found one and kicked it up and I shot it.  He came down but we weren't able to find it.  It must have ran (although I would have sworn it was dead as a doornail).  It was really think so maybe we just couldn't find it.  I don't know.  We walked to the back of the property and back down the riverside.  Greg saw a bird actually swimming further up stream so we worked our way back and after thinking about how to get this bird, Greg got in the water.  The bird walked for a bit and then flew right down the river. Well, up actually.  I didn't want to shoot and have it land in the water so we didn't shoot at it either.  That was all for Flatbrook.  It was fun, but so not the same with out Bacci.

I went home and ate lunch.  I picked up Bacci and took him to Black River.  It was a lot busier than I would have thought for an afternoon but once I got in, I didn't see that many guys.  We walked down a few fields and Bacci loved being in the fields again.  He walked along until we got to the back where he put up a covey of quail.  He went on fire and had a great time flushing some singles.  All in all, it was an outstanding day.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Still so close, yet so far...(and what the hell are they doing to my club)

I went to the club after working half day.  I planned on going back to stand 13 again.  I was used to seeing what they have done to the first field on the left but as I drove to the back, I was shocked and horrified to see that they've now taken out the upper field as well.  I got to the stand and heard the bulldozer taking more and more property away.  I was walking to my stand and I saw a doe with a broken front leg (right) being hounded by a little spike.  The doe jumped in front of me and away, as i got into my stand i saw the spike just standing in the pathway.  He eventually left.  Later on  I saw them both running (her from him) about 30 yards from me but I couldn't get a shot.  I would have certainly taken her out of her misery.

Later on, I heard a got louder and closer.  I looked up the field and saw a deer moving across the clearing.  What I didn't know is, she was running just ahead of the bulldozer that was pushing down toward the field, to the right of my tree.  It then went into the pit and all the machinery calmed down.  The deer that was pushed ahead of the bulldozer eventually crossed up the path (as soon as I can get my muzzy in hand, I'm going there).  It got dark and I got down.  As I was walking out, the little spike stood up from the grass and looked at me.  I put up my bow and could have shot, but i let him walk to get bigger.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I've gone soft...

I went back to the club today and sat, yet again, at 13.  I'm really enjoying this stand this year.  The pit was active and I thought that perhaps that would scare away the deer, but they are used to it I suppose.  At around 3:30 I had a nice doe and a fawn come to the stand.  They stayed right under me, eating acorns.  I contemplated whether or not to shoot the big doe, but I couldn't shoot her in front of her kid.  Likewise, I couldn't shoot the fawn (which was clearly old enough to be separated) in front of the mom.  I thought hard about it though.  As they were walking toward me I thought, God, if I'm not supposed to shoot one, don't let them give me the opportunity.  While they were under my stand, I raised my bow on the bigger of the two but before I could decide whether to squeeze off a shot, they bolted...not sure why, or what scared them,  but they took off.  I guess that was my answer.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

another bust...

The weather was gorgeous when I was at home...sunny and cool, not cold, but really nice.  Its the perfect weather for sitting on stand all afternoon.  I got to my new favorite spot and set up and then the sun went in and the wind started blowing.  It got cold and so much for the perfect stand sitting day.  I didn't see a darn thing.