Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bacci's last stand...

Well, I'm not sure if it is but it very well could be.  I wanted to try and get Bacci out just one more time, just in case he can't do it next year.  We got out of work early for New Year's Eve so I ran home and grabbed the dog and headed over to Black River.  There was no one there...just me and two other cars.  Bacci and I walked to the back.  I wasn't going to push him at all but just follow him.  When we got to the back he got really birdy on a path that was in between the fields and a hedgerow.  I was certain that he was smelling something from this morning but he was locked.  I walked towards the spot he was pointing to and a cockbird came busting out of the cover.  I got him and couldn't' have been happier.  The weather, the fact that it was Bacci and I alone...and that it was probably his last made this the most special bird I've ever shot.  We walked around a bit more and made our way back to the truck (where we kicked up 5 deer).  When we got home, I immediately cooked up the pheasant and gave it to Bacci.  He deserved it.

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