Friday, October 31, 2014

Mr. Twisty is a sneaky son of a gun...

Knowing that I have to go to Christopher's house for Ryan's birthday party I wanted to leave early to get in the woods for a bit.  I went up to the club and saw Greg there.   After talking for a bit I went to stand 13 and got settled in.  At around 4:00 I saw a nice looking buck with a weird rack (almost twisty) walking from the middle of the field towards the hedgerow in front of me.  I waited for him to pop out in front of me but instead he walked closer to the pit.  I saw him rubbing on a tree right near where I would normally have sat on the hill.  About an hour later, to my surprised, I heard some crunching from behind me.  I slowly turned and saw through the tree that the twisty buck was right behind me!  I got my self settled and ready for him to walk around the tree.  I was shaking like a leaf.  He never did come around.  He must have walked back into the thick stuff to the bottom of the pit.  He was a sneaky son of a gun!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Another windy day

I had to get out of work for a bit and I was needing to be in the woods.  I didn't really have time to get up to the club so I went to the dump instead.  It was windy when I went out but the wind seemed to calm down a lot.  It ended up to be a gorgeous afternoon.  I got into the stand at around 3:30 or so and the only thing I saw was that other guy coming out around 4:30.  It was still nice to get out.

Friday, October 17, 2014

This is getting frustrating...

I took the day off of work today.  Knowing that i'll be involved in softball all day on Saturday i took today and hit the woods.  So after brewing up a batch of beer and taking Bacci to get his nails cut, I headed over to the club.  I was going to go on the road between the two fields again.  I'd been seeing deer so it seemed like a good choice.  The weather was nice but boy it was super windy.  I think the gusts were up to the low 20's mph.  I got in the tree around 2:30 and at about 3:30 I saw a horseback rider on the field across the road.  That makes me so angry that people just trespass at will.  At 4:00 I saw Tony walking through the same field that I just saw the horseback rider to the "pain in the ass" stand (it's near 10 I think).  I happened to turn my head at around 5:30 and noticed Tony's truck pulling out from the corner of THE FIELD I WAS ON!   This is the same corner that that other guy went to the last time I was on the stand on a Friday.  I sat wondering why he pulled out of that corner.  Maybe he got a deer.  A few minutes later, I looked over and apparently Tony drove back into the corner because he pulled out again...but this time, the jerky guy was following in his truck and he had a deer on the back.  I guess the jerk parked in the corner and was hunting...didn't use the board and I didn't see his truck.  I think I'm fed up with that spot and honestly, wish I could find another piece of property where I didn't have to deal with assholes.  I saw no deer this day.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

They can really smell...

Again I was supposed to be at Gianna's softball game but again it was cancelled.  I took the opportunity to get to the club again.  This time I was going to sit in the swamp.  As I was getting dressed a guy from the club (don't remember his name) pulled up and asked where I was going to sit.  I told him the swamp and he said that he was going to put a block in the swamp so he would come back.  After talking a bit I found out that he was the one that drove across the field last week.  I told him that I was hunting there and he said that he was sorry.  oh well.

So I got to the swamp and after getting up the tree, realized that it was facing the wrong way for me.  So I sat on the ground.  At around 4, two does were coming across the field.  On of them was heading right for me so I raised my bow and at about 60 yards, she caught wind of me and high tailed it out of there.  The wind must have shifted but I was surprised.  I washed my clothes in special stuff, I sprayed down in special stuff and didn't sweat getting into the stand.  These suckers could really smell.  That's the last deer I saw in teh day.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Was supposed to watch Gianna play ball today but it rained all morning so the games were cancelled.  We decided to go see her at school and take her to breakfast instead.  While we were there, the sun actually came out and it got clear...windy, but clear so I hit the woods.  Sat on the hill near 13, saw nothing.  I did see Tony there, he told me that they's been seeing bears.  When I got out of the woods, he was gone.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Took the day off...

Feel like I need to get out more so I took the day off of work.  I went to the club and I sat on the road between the two fields again.  This is, coincidentally the same tree that I got my first deer at the club from.  I saw two deer entering the field from stand 4 but never came my way.  At around 6, I saw a white car...looked like a Subaru, drive from the gate onto the field...yes, the field I'm sitting on!!  He drove to the corner (where I turkey hunt) and got out.  I saw him walking near the dip stand but couldn't make out who he was.  He was there for about a half hour and then left.  Grr