Friday, October 31, 2014

Mr. Twisty is a sneaky son of a gun...

Knowing that I have to go to Christopher's house for Ryan's birthday party I wanted to leave early to get in the woods for a bit.  I went up to the club and saw Greg there.   After talking for a bit I went to stand 13 and got settled in.  At around 4:00 I saw a nice looking buck with a weird rack (almost twisty) walking from the middle of the field towards the hedgerow in front of me.  I waited for him to pop out in front of me but instead he walked closer to the pit.  I saw him rubbing on a tree right near where I would normally have sat on the hill.  About an hour later, to my surprised, I heard some crunching from behind me.  I slowly turned and saw through the tree that the twisty buck was right behind me!  I got my self settled and ready for him to walk around the tree.  I was shaking like a leaf.  He never did come around.  He must have walked back into the thick stuff to the bottom of the pit.  He was a sneaky son of a gun!

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