Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Morris Plains Cull hunt

Ok, can you say EXCITED!! My mom told me that she saw something in the paper about deer hunting in Morristown. I figured that it was Great Swamp but I went on line anyway to check. When I did I saw an article and they were talking about local hunts in Morristown, Morris Plains, Hanover, etc. So I called up the Morris Plains police for more info and was given to the voicemail of Detective Ed Dobbins. I KNOW HIM!! So, I left a message and he called me back. He said that there are a few spots and about 20 hunters. He said that they were going to get rid of 8-10 because they didn't really participate but that the other hunters got 57 deer!! He told me to give him a call in July and that he'll get me on. WOO F-ING HOO!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last day of 2008 turkey for me :(

I decided to work on Wednesday and Thursday and head back to the woods on Friday. I decided to start on the Cadillac stand side of the property because that where I've seen the most sign and heard the most gobbling. I forgot to mention that all along the side of the hill there are scratching signs. So I set up there and as the sun rose I started calling...nothing. I sat and called for almost an hour...nada! I decided it was time to move. I went to the first big field and setup halfway down the field. I called and heard a gobble from, what sounded like, the next field over. I got myself set and saw movement from my left. Next I see 6 deer walking cautiously towards my decoy...snorting and stomping the whole way. They stared at the decoy and snorted and then would run away...then run back and do it again. This went on for about 20 minutes...was really cool to watch. No turkey I got up and went to another spot. I floated around the property calling and waiting at a few different places. When I finally had enough I was pulling out of the property to head back to the Cadillac side I saw two birds in the middle of the swamp field. I hurried and parked at the end of the road and scurried into the big field next to the swamp field. I called and got no response. After a while I could see one of the birds up towards the top of the swamp field, right on the edge of the road and the pit. I got in my truck and went to the top of the field. I got out and saw a hen walking across the road. I walked towards the hedgerow and saw two jakes in the hedge. I walked towards them and as I got closer they walked away...staying in the hedgerow. When we got to the end I was convinced that they would come across the road...they didn't! They high tailed it out of the hedgerow, across the field and out of site. I went back to the truck and made one last ditch effort at the Cadillac stand before leaving for the day (I did see a hen driving into the cadillac side) but no calls, no turkey and thus ends another season...with no turkey to show for it.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Turkey Day Two

Well, today was less exciting than yesterday. I started out in the first field and heard nothing. I did hear a gobble or two by the cadillac stand so I took my stuff and headed over there. I first picked my way around near stand 5, because I wasn't sure if they were all the way at the cadillac or making thier way. So, after not seeing or hearing anything at 5 I headed over to Cadillac. On my way there I saw a few birds on the horse farm...then when I set up in the woods I heard two gobblers on the other side of the ravine, in the horse farm. They would gobble every so often but not to my call...only to what sounded like a bird (but not a turkey, don't know what kind of bird). After about 45 minutes of that they went totally silent. I waited there for at least another half hour but nothing. I thought that maybe they had taken off towards the fields so I left and went to go back to the first field. On my way in, I saw a hen run from the field on stand 10 to the horse farm. I set up in the big field again but nothing. I left there and went to the bottom and called there for abit, then worked my way up the hedgerow a little at a time. I saw Bob in his work truck and he said that he saw 4 or 5 birds making their way towards were I was sitting this morning right after I left...figures! I went back to cadillac and finished the day there. All in all, it was a quiet morning.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day one, turkey

Place: The Club
Weather: Clear and chilly one for turkey winds down. I set up at first light over near the Cadillac stand. I heard gobbling and think I saw a bird fly off the roost on the other side of the gully from where I was set up. Although I did hear gobbles while on the roost, once they flew down I didn't hear anything else. I left there and went to the other side of the property. When I went over near the sign in board I saw Bob in the first field. I stopped to talk to him and he had shot at a bird. He didn't get it though. I did hear a few more gobbles and set up in the field he was just in. Nothing happened so I moved from there and went across the road to "bob's feeder". Nothing there at all and I worked around up near that feeder and upwards to the field that connects to cadillac. Nothing. Went down to the top of the road and set up. I heard a few gobbling down from the first field (or near there). I snuck downwards towards that field and got to the top of the woods that are connected to the field. I set up and would hear intermittent gobbling back to my calls. Then they went silent. I waited and called for another half hour but nothing happened. I went to get my decoy and there were two birds coming up the pathway. I spooked them and they left into the brush. I sat for another 20 minutes or so but they didn't come back. I saw them heading towards the cemetary from the field I was in (just on the other side). Disgusted I came out and saw that there was another truck in the parking spot. I drove over to the Cadillac again but heard Jeff calling so I left. I sat in the big field again but saw nothing. I saw Jeff coming out so we chatted...he saw a few birds...two jakes and two long beards but he didn't get anything. I left, it was around 10:30.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Turkey Day Monday!!

I really don't have much to report other than Monday is April 14th which is opening day of Turkey!! It's suppsed to be drizzly or rainy and otherwise overcast. Wednesday on will be I'm probably going on Monday (without a doubt) and then depending on the weather and how I do Monday, either go back to work on Tuesday or just go back to work Wednesday...then back to hunting Thursday and Friday. Can't wait!! I'm really hoping it doesn't rain because aside from hunting, I want to bring my camera and new camera mount for the gun. Should be fun!! GOBBLE GOBBLE.

Turkey Day Monday!!

I really don't have much to report other than Monday is April 14th which is opening day of Turkey!! It's suppsed to be drizzly or rainy and otherwise overcast. Wednesday on will be I'm probably going on Monday (without a doubt) and then depending on the weather and how I do Monday, either go back to work on Tuesday or just go back to work Wednesday...then back to hunting Thursday and Friday. Can't wait!! I'm really hoping it doesn't rain because aside from hunting, I want to bring my camera and new camera mount for the gun. Should be fun!! GOBBLE GOBBLE.