Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Last day of 2008 turkey for me :(

I decided to work on Wednesday and Thursday and head back to the woods on Friday. I decided to start on the Cadillac stand side of the property because that where I've seen the most sign and heard the most gobbling. I forgot to mention that all along the side of the hill there are scratching signs. So I set up there and as the sun rose I started calling...nothing. I sat and called for almost an hour...nada! I decided it was time to move. I went to the first big field and setup halfway down the field. I called and heard a gobble from, what sounded like, the next field over. I got myself set and saw movement from my left. Next I see 6 deer walking cautiously towards my decoy...snorting and stomping the whole way. They stared at the decoy and snorted and then would run away...then run back and do it again. This went on for about 20 minutes...was really cool to watch. No turkey though...so I got up and went to another spot. I floated around the property calling and waiting at a few different places. When I finally had enough I was pulling out of the property to head back to the Cadillac side I saw two birds in the middle of the swamp field. I hurried and parked at the end of the road and scurried into the big field next to the swamp field. I called and got no response. After a while I could see one of the birds up towards the top of the swamp field, right on the edge of the road and the pit. I got in my truck and went to the top of the field. I got out and saw a hen walking across the road. I walked towards the hedgerow and saw two jakes in the hedge. I walked towards them and as I got closer they walked away...staying in the hedgerow. When we got to the end I was convinced that they would come across the road...they didn't! They high tailed it out of the hedgerow, across the field and out of site. I went back to the truck and made one last ditch effort at the Cadillac stand before leaving for the day (I did see a hen driving into the cadillac side) but no calls, no turkey and thus ends another season...with no turkey to show for it.

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