Saturday, January 22, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside...

Decided to head up to the club tonight for some muzzy. I went to the Cadillac again in hopes that I can get into a better position if those does decided to show back up. I tucked myself into the "turkey blowdown". It was cold...only in the teens. My eyelashes were forming little icicles. I didn't see a thing but it was really nice out. a thought came to me, however...I spend hours in the woods and when I tell people, they, that must be so relaxing. There is nothing relaxing about it. I mean,'s peaceful and I would die without it, but not relaxing. From the moment I enter the woods, I am constantly scanning...trying to look 360 degrees without moving a muscle. Looking for a flicker of a tail...a turn of an ear. Scanning so hard to see even the slightest movement that you notice every leaf that moves slightly in the breeze...every bug, every creature that moves. You strain your ears too, to hear every sound on the chance that a deer is sneaking by. You can hear a tree creek, a leaf hit the ground...I love the sound that a flock of birds make when they fly hear the wings beating the wind. It's so quiet sometimes that all you can hear is your heart in your ears. So...beautiful and wonderful? Unquestionably yes! Relaxing? Not so much. lol

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