Saturday, December 10, 2011

Foxy day...

Went up to the club for the last day of 6-day.  I first texted Tony to see if they drove the club in the morning and he said that they didn't, that they just did it on Tuesday.  I got to the club and I was alone (which is always nice). I decided to sit in the field of 10.  While I was sitting there, with about 2 hours of light left, a fox came from the 10 side and walked right towards me.  It got across the field from me and headed into the middle.  It walked around there for a little bit and then started stalking...then suddenly it pounced on something and ate it.  Then it sat in the middle of the field and just took a nap.  I sat there watching it for a good half hour until, from the corner of my eye I saw movement.  It was another fox, talking the same route.  It walked right towards me as well and this one decided to chill out right in front of me, literally about 20 yards away.  It was great to watch.  I didn't see any deer this day but I loved hanging there with my fox friends.

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