Saturday, December 3, 2011

I forgot!

I was going to go down south today and go hunting with Danny for quail but he had to work.  Instead I went up to Flatbrook for pheasants.  I got my stuff together and headed out.  It usually takes me about an hour and ten minutes to get there.  I was about half-way there when I realized that I left my gun at home!!  So I turned around and back home I went.  Well, by the time I got back to the Flatbrook it was already passed starting time.  Everyone was already in the woods.  I went through the first field and then to the end of the second.  I decided to turn around and head a different direction.  When I was halfway through the field I heard my name.  It was Greg and Amil.  I hooked up with them and started to walk back towards the trucks.  We were on the edge of the swamp with Amil's dog, Harley in the swamp edge and Bacci in the edge of the field.  About 3/4 of the way through Bacci locked on point.  I went down to him and he had a hen pinned down.  As I approached she took off and I got her.  Wonderful!  We all headed back towards the trucks and then up the hill behind the parking lot.  It was now about 45 minutes since starting time.  As we got to the top of the hill Harley flushed a cock bird and Amil got it.  Separated only by about one minute, Bacci went on point and as we approached a hen took off.  She flew to my left and rather than turning, I only turned my body and I missed.  Greg, behind me, also missed.  We continued on through all the fields, further than I had in a while.  When we were quite a way down, Bacci went on point near the edge of a hedgerow.  I approached and saw the cock bird tucked in.  I circled around behind to try and force it to fly towards the field and Greg did the same.  Amil stayed in the field.  The bird took off and Greg shot first and missed, I shot the second one and he folded.  We continued through the fields for a while.  We walked the hill near the trucks on the way back and just as we were coming back to the truck, a cock bird took off from the top of the hill and Greg got him.  We all limited out (Amil more than just limited out).  It was one of the funnest days pheasant hunting that I can remember and it started with me forgetting my gun and starting late!

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