Saturday, December 17, 2011

Last day for Pheasant but the best day!

Due to the October snow storm damaging the Rockport Farms pheasant facilities and letting so many pheasants escape....either that or killed them...the state wasn't able to stock any more birds.  Needless to say, it was crowded.  Greg didn't show up, so Dani and I started out on the first field.  We walked to the back and I was able to shoot a bit...again, missing a whole lot!  Bacci, at one point, must have been frustrated with me as well because a bird went up, I shot and Bacci took off after it.  I called and called and called for him to come back but he didn't.  Then, he made his way back with a bird.  Someone else shot the bird that he put up that I missed so he took their bird and brought it back to me.  Well I took it from him and gave it back and continued on.  More birds, more missing.  We doubled back and went up the hill and then over.  Dani and I worked the field on the other side of the field and while we were, there was a guy working a bird so she and I hurried along.  The bird went up and they got it.  Then they put up another that flew into the hedgerow and landed in the tree.  The guy next to it said that he had all his birds.  Dani and I continued to walk down the field and they must have hit a hole with 4 birds in it because they all busted.  One of them flew right towards us and I got him.  The guys all moved on and I asked Dani if she wanted to shoot a bird.  She did so we walked to where the bird landed in the tree.  I saw it but if she got it I wasn't sure how to get at it so I told her we would walk to the other side and if it was still there she should shoot it.  We got to the other side and found the bird.  I can get to it from this side so I went over some last minute safety stuff and how to do it.  She lined up the shot and bang the bird fell.  Dani was so excited she didn't know what to do.  I went in the hedge to get the bird and brought it back out to a gleaming kid!  She was thrilled and I was happy and proud.  We made our way back to the truck and on the way back Bacci found a wounded bird.  He tracked her down and killed her.  So I took her but on the way back to the truck I decided that I didn't want to get caught with an extra bird so I set it down besides a tree.  On the way home I got a call from the Division of Fish and Game...I had a heart attack.  I thought, how in the world did they know that I let Dani shoot a bird or that I took an extra (which I left and didn't take).  He was actually calling because someone lost their gun, saw my truck and thought I may have found it so they called the division.  What an awesome last day of that I'll never forget.  Here's a picture of Dani with her first pheasant ever!

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