Saturday, October 13, 2012

What a gorgeous day at the club

As the name indicates, I went to the club today.  Daniella had a double header kind of close to the club so after the game I shot up there (no pun intended).  Got there around 3ish and saw that Tony's truck was there.  I intended on trying to get my stand down the old road, near to where stand 5 was and where I got my first deer at the club, but with the deadfall I wasn't able to get in there.  I could have gotten into the tree, but there was not a clear shooting lane and I wasn't prepared to trim trees.  I put my stand down and while I was there, I climbed on top of a dirt mound that overlooked a pathway.  I did see a bunch of trails so I thought I may have a good chance at seeing a deer.  The mound I was on gave me complete coverage to my left (where I thought the deer would come from) and the shooting lane was only 20 yards from me.  From my vantage point I could see the big field, behind me I could see forever and in front I could see the cemetery   It was a beautiful day and I was in a great place.  I loved it.

At close to 4:30, I think, I saw a lone doe on the edge of the swamp (that makes two times I've been to the club and two times I saw deer in the swamp...guess where i'm going next time?)  As it was just starting to get dark I saw two does walking the middle of the field from the inside part of the big field, and then in front of the swamp.  I don't think they went in but I couldn't really tell.  When I was leaving, I saw Tony who told me that Jeff (I think that's what he said) got a 7 pointer that morning.  He also told me that he had to get better with the crossbow because he injured two more deer.  That infuriates me!  but what can I do.  Tony told me that he hadn't been doing as much hunting and that he's not gotten anything because he's holding out for a decent buck.

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