Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My back yard

Fall is here!  Considering how hot it was on Saturday, today it's barely in the 60's and it feels great!  I decided to leave work a bit early and go hunting.  I wanted to try behind my house for a change.  I got home, dressed, got my stuff and headed out through the gate.  After a few minutes of finding a decent tree to get up, I climbed and settled in.  I could hear people cutting the lawn, kids playing, etc.  I have to admit, I felt a little uneasy but if my neighbor (the police officer) said it was ok, and the guys I met setting up their stand (a police officer) said it was ok, it must be ok.  As the light started to fade I happened to turn to my left and saw three does walking towards me.  There were two medium sized does and one smallie.  Unfortunately it was to my left so I couldn't draw on them, but I watched the bigger of the two try to make out what I was.  She walked to about 23 yards and needed to take a few more steps for me to be able to draw on her but never did.  They all decided to walk back from where they came.  At dark I got down and went home.  I'm not sure if there's anything besides those three deer in the woods but I'll give it another shot again.

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