Monday, December 8, 2014

Buck week (or 6-day firearms)...

I guess over the years this has gone by many names.  This is usually the day that all the non-hunting yahoo hunting wannabees come out and hit the woods.  With that knowledge, because I have a club to go to I want to be in the woods too so that all the pushed deer might come my way.  If I didn't have private property, I wouldn't touch state land with a 10 foot pole.  With that said, I went to the club yesterday and got there at 6am.  I met Greg at the gate and after exchanging hellos, went to my stand.  I decided to start off on the side of the hill on the way to 13.  I saw nothing.  It was quite chilly, however.  By around 9 I had enough and I got up and walked towards the back of the property.  I wanted to check out the water bottle location.  It looked nice down there.  Some nice runs and a nice, big, fat tree to hide behind.  I sat there until about 11 and while I was there, I caught some movement from my right (facing the river and away from 13).  It was a coyote and it was headed my way.  When he/she got 10 yards from me I stepped out from behind the tree and scared it off.  After a while I went back to the truck to warm up and have some coffee. I came right back out and got into the same spot by 12:30.  At around 3:30ish I had two does come out to my left but behind some thickets.  They must have seen me move and left snorting.  Right after that, a doe came in from my left.  When she got about 60 yards away she knew something wasn't right.  I could see her kind of freeze up in the middle of the field.  Lucky for her I was looking for a buck only.  She must have scented all my tracks from walking around down there to check the place out.  I won't be doing that again.  She creeped towards me but when she got about 20 yards away she turned around and slowly jogged away, with her tail waiving high.  That was all I saw but it was a very enjoyable day.  By the way, Greg scored on a really nice 8 (or 7) over between 10 and pain in the neck.

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