Saturday, October 11, 2008

One far, far away...

When: Saturday, October 11, 2008
Where: The club, swamp stand
Weather: Gorgeous, but warm in the sun (around 70)
Time: Evening post

I went to Dani's soccer game and Gianna's softball games in the morning and got to the club by around 2. Tony, Greg and Brad were there so I hung around and talked to them for a while. They apparently had been there all day and were just relaxing. I went to the swamp stand and it's a neat little set up, but I was in the direct sun the whole time and I sweat by butt off! The sun finally went down over the trees and I saw one doe walking near the upper corner of the field. She went back into the brush and I never saw her again. The rest of the guys saw deer...Tony let does walk, Greg had two spikes and some does at 13 (just not close enough) and Brad shot at a deer from 5 and hit a tree.

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