Saturday, December 27, 2008

Last day of stocking...

I went up to Flatbrook for the last day of stocking pheasants. I parked on the other side of the river because I wasn't sure how the snow would be on the bumpy road and when we walked over to the parking lot it was only Greg in it! We started out and didn't see a flush...didn't hear much shooting either. After going along on the field side for a while we decided to go up the hill near the cars. When we got to the top left of the hill Bacci would point, then creep, then point. He then locked on point under a pine...Greg saw the hen and tried to flush her towards me but she went up in front of him and a pine tree so he got her. We walked on and just a few moments later Bacci put up a cockbird that wouldn't hold for him. As he flushed he went over the ridge behind us. Neither Greg nor I would shoot because he was low and Bacci was in pursuit. A moment later Bacci returned with him in his mouth!! He's getting good at this! :) We kept walking around the hill, did some of the edge and then went across the road. We ended working our way back to the stuck spot but didn't see any other birds for the day. We ended around 11:00. It was a nice, but strange bird season this year. Not a lot of birds...a ton of guys and the weather seemed strange for almost every day I went. Had a GREAT time with Dani going hunting this year. I hope she doesn't decide that it's "not her thing" like Gianna did. I hope to get her out for one more day hunting deer. We'll see if the weather cooperates.

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