Saturday, September 12, 2009

Amazing opening day...

It was drizzly and around 60. I started off the day behind the office. I knew I had the feeder back there so I figured that I would see something, but wasn't sure if it would be night post or morning post. At 7:45 I was starting to close my eyes...only for a minute when I opened them I had a 5 pointer at the feeder. I watched him for a half hour and he walked away. A little while later I saw a fox or a was quick so I couldn't tell. Then, at around 9ish I saw movement to my left. I 7-8 pointer walked out and went to the feeder. He fed there for a little and then walked towards me. He decided to take on a bush that was right by my stand...he won, the bush lost!

Then he walked under my stand and laid down 5 yards away and that's where he stayed. It was now getting later and I wanted him to leave. I wanted to get down, go home and dry off before I went to my evening stand. I didn't want to spook him however. I thought and thought about what I could do...then the idea came to me to shoot rubber bands at him. lmao. I had them on my wrist. I did, and hit him a few times but he didn't care. Luckily, by 11 he got up and walked away. I gave him a little bit and then left. It was amazing!!

Then, for the afternoon, it wasn't quite as amazing. I went up to the club and went to stand 17 (the big feeder). Greg, Tony and Brad were there. I got into the stand at around 2:30 and sat, in the rain. Not hard, but rain. It had stopped around 4:30 but oh my God, the mosquitos came out. There were so many of them I swore they were going to carry me away. I put my mask over my entire face and looked through it. They were still flying all around my face and I heard them...once in a while they would find a way through my defenses or bite me through my mask if my skin was against it. It was horrible...I stayed until I couldn't see through the mask, so I lowered it and stayed in the stand until I couldn't take it anymore. As I was getting out, Greg walked up to my stand. He couldn't take his skeeters anymore either. Apparently Brad had the same issue. I couldn't ask Tony because he had left before I got back to the truck.

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