Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Off into the distance...

Went out to the Recycle today...The weather was really nice...it's starting to cool down a bit. I saw three does but they were in the middle of the property and never came close. They showed up around 5:30.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Full mood, hot as hell and windy...

Not the heading that is going to give you a feeling of a good hunting day, right? I went behind my company this morning and saw nothing. It was pretty warm but not terrible, but saw nothing. The moon was shining like it was daytime. I left the woods and went to softball. I decided to stay for softball and not go back to the woods in the afternoon.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Two bucks fighting...

I went to the tower today...it is a beautiful day. Sunny, breezy and seasonal weather. I was conscious of not going all the way up this time because the guy I spoke with last time told me that I shouldn't be. So I walked a little lower down...well, by the time I found a tree, it was too late...I was just about in the same spot I had been lately. I set up by 3 and was ready. It was all quiet up until around 6:30...I happened to peer backwards and saw movement. It was far away so I had a hard time seeing what it was...but then it was clear, I was seeing two bucks fighting. I had my video camera on my bow and tried to video it on the bow. Eventually it became too difficult so I took the camera off the bow, put the bow down and just video recorded.

After about 10 minutes of watching that, I heard them coming up the hill towards me. I tried to swing around to get a better look (knowing that I couldn't shoot the bucks because they were too small and I haven't gotten my doe yet). Well, when I peeked around the tree, I saw that it wasn't the two bucks walking towards me, but two does! and all I have in my hand is the camera! I quickly stashed the camera in my pocked and slowly picked up my bow...I had leaves to the left of me blocking me from the does view. As they approached my right side I got myself all set for the shot. Once they clear the leaves they are about 12 yards from me. I wait...and I wait. I can see them milling around through the leaves and then suddenly I can't see them any more. I squat down and can't see the deer any longer. Somehow, they disappeared. After waiting some more time for it to get totally dark. I climb down and head home.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quads, quads, quads....

I started the morning behind the company. The weather was beautiful. I kept looking to my left (where the buck came from) and to the right (where the does came from) the prior week. As luck would have it, two deer came from behind and must have seen my movement (or caught my scent) and took off like their ass was lit on fire. Shortly after, I heard a deer snorting from behind. I didn't move so it must have caught my scent and it kept blowing. I noticed that it wasn't leaving so I turned ever so slowly and saw a deer in the bushes. I watched the deer worked very slowly to me and just as it was getting to the clearing I drew back. I held (and held and held and held) and suddenly saw that it was a button buck. I heard blowing from further back so I knew that there wasn't just the button. I finally let the arrow down and the button looked at me. He was spooky then...stomping. I waited and saw the other deer...it was a smallish doe but I was going to take her if given the opportunity. She started to walk down the same clearing and after what seemed like forever, I drew back and when I did...the button must have seen the movement and took off. At least I got to see the deer. Oh...by the way...the feeder still isn't working!

In the afternoon I went to the tower. When I was walking into the woods I noticed a quad parked on the hill. I know that there was that kid hunting up there. Several times during the evening two other quads rode around. This went on the entire time and screwed up the hunt.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I suck...again!

I know I posted this same heading once before...but apparently I still do!!

I went to the tower today. I got in around 2:00 and set up nearer to the apartments this time. I had seen deer hugging the side of that hill last year. It was a nice day...mid 70's but windy. At around 4, a herd of about 8-10 deer came running down the hill...but further away from me. Maybe they were spooked by the wind...I don't know. Then at around 5, I was standing up and noticed movement behind me. There were 7 does (3 does and 4 fawns) walking behind me. They were almost in range. I saw one of the does starting to walk in a path that would put her in range so I drew back. I held for what seemed like forever. My arms started burning but she finally stepped to a spot that was at about 24 yards and I let the arrow fly. A clean miss...what the hell?! She ran away...but then started to circle back. I quickly stumbled for a new arrow...and she came to THE SAME SPOT. I put the pin on her chest...right behind the shoulder...I clearly remember thinking to be calm...take a good shot and fling! She took off running. I knew I missed the first one...but this one I wasn't sure. I mean...everything was right!! So I got down...found both arrows...right next to one another. Both were clean and there wasn't a drop of blood anywhere. Another miss. I SUCK!! Well...at this point it's only 5 so I got back into my tree and climbed. I got to the top..strapped in and heard something behind me. Two more deer coming down the same path. One problem...my bow is on the ground. I quickly hauled it up and nocked an arrow. I'm not sure if the deer saw or heard me or if they were just going down a different path but they avoided me. Then they circled around and one of them started to walk back towards me...from the top. When she got about 50 yards she looked in my direction and decided that she didn't like what she saw...and she turned and slowly walked away. That was the last deer I saw. I saw a lot of them...but omg...what is my problem!?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Wow...what a ride!!

I went to the recycle today. I got in the woods around 2:00 and fought with the camera arm. I couldn't get that dang thing to snug up to the tree...i'll work on it tomorrow. Anyway...at 5:00 it looks like someone turned out the lights. All of a sudden...the wind starting picking up. I mean REALLY picking up. I did see a deer coming in from the bottom and she walked up towards the edge of the field and just stood there, frozen while the wind started really whipping up. She got spooked and took off running...I, on the other hand, had to hang on tight as my tree was whipped all around and I was pelted by falling debris. Then the heavens opened up and it POURED. I got absolutely soaked to the bone and contemplated getting down...but it was too late...I decided just to sit out the storm. About a half hour later it calmed down...the rain slowed and the sky lightened up a bit. Around 6:00 ish I had a doe come from the dumpside behind me and skitter into the field. Then, right at dark, another deer came from the field into the woods at the downside of me. I was surrounded but nothing came close. Surprised that there was no interest in the feeder whatsoever. Lots of acorns all around though...heard them dropping the whole night.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Opening Day!!

What a gorgeous day!! It was a clear 56 degrees when I entered the woods at work. I got up the tree and at 6:22 got a text from TJ saying that he got a doe. I have to admit, that did deflate my spirits a bit...that's so stupid. By around 7:30 I saw some movement to my left. I stood up and had a 3 point buck walk right under my stand. He stood there for a while...walked over to the feeder and looked at it...almost asking it to please dispense some of that yellow goodness. Of course, the feeder didn't work for some reason. He passed within 14 yards of me. He walked off and shortly after I saw movement to the field. It appeared to me that there were 2-3 deer on the field's edge around 113 yards away. I waited for them to walk by but they didn't. I sat down...and as I sat I saw a pair of legs sneaking through the brush that was 60 yards in front of me. I don't know what it was (buck or doe) but I know that they weren't spooked by me...I had good wind.

I got out of the woods and went to Dani's first softball game. They got creamed! lol I headed up to the club for the afternoon. I sat in stand 10. It was really nice all except for the blazing sun that was beating on me making me sweat bullets! At around 5:30 I had two does walk into the middle of the field...they milled around there for a little bit and walked off (opposite of me). That was it for the night. Greg was in 14 and he saw a fawn and a button. Tony was in 13 and he shot a "hairless" spike which he left there because he said he didn't realize it was a spike until he shot it. Grrrr.

Back out on Monday...going to the Recycle.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

4 days left!!

I absolutely can't wait. I took off Monday and Tuesday so I have the three days all planned out. I'm going to hunt behind my company on Saturday morning and then head to the club for the afternoon. I'm going to spend all day at Recycling on Monday and all day at Tower on Tuesday...bring it on!!