Monday, September 20, 2010

Two bucks fighting...

I went to the tower is a beautiful day. Sunny, breezy and seasonal weather. I was conscious of not going all the way up this time because the guy I spoke with last time told me that I shouldn't be. So I walked a little lower down...well, by the time I found a tree, it was too late...I was just about in the same spot I had been lately. I set up by 3 and was ready. It was all quiet up until around 6:30...I happened to peer backwards and saw movement. It was far away so I had a hard time seeing what it was...but then it was clear, I was seeing two bucks fighting. I had my video camera on my bow and tried to video it on the bow. Eventually it became too difficult so I took the camera off the bow, put the bow down and just video recorded.

After about 10 minutes of watching that, I heard them coming up the hill towards me. I tried to swing around to get a better look (knowing that I couldn't shoot the bucks because they were too small and I haven't gotten my doe yet). Well, when I peeked around the tree, I saw that it wasn't the two bucks walking towards me, but two does! and all I have in my hand is the camera! I quickly stashed the camera in my pocked and slowly picked up my bow...I had leaves to the left of me blocking me from the does view. As they approached my right side I got myself all set for the shot. Once they clear the leaves they are about 12 yards from me. I wait...and I wait. I can see them milling around through the leaves and then suddenly I can't see them any more. I squat down and can't see the deer any longer. Somehow, they disappeared. After waiting some more time for it to get totally dark. I climb down and head home.

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