Monday, September 13, 2010

Wow...what a ride!!

I went to the recycle today. I got in the woods around 2:00 and fought with the camera arm. I couldn't get that dang thing to snug up to the tree...i'll work on it tomorrow. 5:00 it looks like someone turned out the lights. All of a sudden...the wind starting picking up. I mean REALLY picking up. I did see a deer coming in from the bottom and she walked up towards the edge of the field and just stood there, frozen while the wind started really whipping up. She got spooked and took off running...I, on the other hand, had to hang on tight as my tree was whipped all around and I was pelted by falling debris. Then the heavens opened up and it POURED. I got absolutely soaked to the bone and contemplated getting down...but it was too late...I decided just to sit out the storm. About a half hour later it calmed down...the rain slowed and the sky lightened up a bit. Around 6:00 ish I had a doe come from the dumpside behind me and skitter into the field. Then, right at dark, another deer came from the field into the woods at the downside of me. I was surrounded but nothing came close. Surprised that there was no interest in the feeder whatsoever. Lots of acorns all around though...heard them dropping the whole night.

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