Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I suck...again!

I know I posted this same heading once before...but apparently I still do!!

I went to the tower today. I got in around 2:00 and set up nearer to the apartments this time. I had seen deer hugging the side of that hill last year. It was a nice day...mid 70's but windy. At around 4, a herd of about 8-10 deer came running down the hill...but further away from me. Maybe they were spooked by the wind...I don't know. Then at around 5, I was standing up and noticed movement behind me. There were 7 does (3 does and 4 fawns) walking behind me. They were almost in range. I saw one of the does starting to walk in a path that would put her in range so I drew back. I held for what seemed like forever. My arms started burning but she finally stepped to a spot that was at about 24 yards and I let the arrow fly. A clean miss...what the hell?! She ran away...but then started to circle back. I quickly stumbled for a new arrow...and she came to THE SAME SPOT. I put the pin on her chest...right behind the shoulder...I clearly remember thinking to be calm...take a good shot and fling! She took off running. I knew I missed the first one...but this one I wasn't sure. I mean...everything was right!! So I got down...found both arrows...right next to one another. Both were clean and there wasn't a drop of blood anywhere. Another miss. I SUCK!! Well...at this point it's only 5 so I got back into my tree and climbed. I got to the top..strapped in and heard something behind me. Two more deer coming down the same path. One problem...my bow is on the ground. I quickly hauled it up and nocked an arrow. I'm not sure if the deer saw or heard me or if they were just going down a different path but they avoided me. Then they circled around and one of them started to walk back towards me...from the top. When she got about 50 yards she looked in my direction and decided that she didn't like what she saw...and she turned and slowly walked away. That was the last deer I saw. I saw a lot of them...but omg...what is my problem!?

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