Thursday, November 15, 2012

Quick trip to Berkshire

Jeannie told me that she was going to work from home if I wanted to go hunting in the morning, well she didn't have to ask me twice.  I knew I would make a quick trip to Berkshire Valley on the way in to work. I didn't have any expectations, just wanted a nice little walk through the woods and take a chance at seeing a bird.  Start time was 6:45 and when I got there I was surprised how few guys there were there.  I thought maybe I had the wrong day!  I think that by the time we started there were 10 guys...yes, in total!!  Only one with a dog.  I only walked around until 8:00 but I did manage to put up one hen bird...yeah I missed of course but what a great way to start the day.  I actually tracked the mileage that I walked and managed to do 2.32 miles in the short time I was there.

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