Friday, November 9, 2012

Rut...what rut?

Ok. So I know that it's the rut but to be honest, I'm not that thrilled about it.  I was stupid and only got an extended bow permit for my cull zone...and I have to get two does before a buck in this zone.  Sadly, I have not had any luck this year so I haven't gotten any.  So let the bucks run around as much as they want, I can't do anything about it.  With that said, I still want to be in the woods and deer hunting so I took the afternoon off of work.  I decided to go behind the dump.  I saw NOTHING at all.  oh wait, I did see that guy that hunts 4!!  Just walking around.  What is wrong with people?!  Can't wait until I get back to the club with the muzzy.

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