Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Second Day Muzzleloader, still nothing!

Date: 11/27/07
Season: Deer - Muzzleloader
Location: Club
Conditions: warmish and very windy.
Summary: This time I got there and there was no one there. I decided to start at Bob’s feeder because I wasn’t sure how 16 would look in the flood. I didn’t see anything in the morning. I got down around 8 and headed over to the Cadillac. It was a nice post. Didn’t see anything from 8:15ish until 10:30 when I got out. I went to the lot for a nap and saw a gut pile, which I assume is from Rich, from either Saturday or Monday morning. After my nap I got in the hedgerow at 16 at around 12:45…I set up a nice ground blind, cleared some lanes but saw nothing. It was a nice post but I think the wind had them down.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Muzzleloader opener!

Date: 11/26/07
Season: Deer - Muzzleloader
Location: Club
Conditions: Rainy and warmish.
Summary: This was opening day of muzzleloader. I woke up in the morning and it was pouring so I decided to stay home. Stupid move…by 5am the rain had gone away. Of course it was supposed to rain all day but this was a break in the rain. I did get out for afternoon post. I got there around 1:15 and saw the new guy, Rich’s name on the board. He was in 7 which is too close to 16 so I decided to sit at Bob’s feeder. It was a really nice view and all but the only thing I saw was a fox. It stayed dry until about 4:30 ish, so I wasn’t totally wet. When I got out of the woods, the name tag was still on the board so I think that Rich just never removed it from a prior visit.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I've never seen it so crowded!!

Date: 11/24/07
Season: Pheasant
Location: Flatbrook
Conditions: Cold and sunny.
Summary: Holy crap was it crowded! There were more guys there than I remember seeing in a long long time. Well, we started off through the first field and got nothing. Didn’t really see much fly overs either. We got to the end of the first field and Bacci ran into the island. I called him out and just as he was about to leave the island, I looked and saw a guy level his gun pointing to the ground. I started to scream that “my f’ing dog is in there”. He responded with “I know”. I than said something like you’re a f’ing idiot and Greg and I got out of there. We walked to the next field…then down the side of the river. When we got to the “hold over spot” Bacci put out a cockbird and Greg shot it (before I could even get a shot off). We walked from there, into the swamp but it was too wet, we messed around working the fields and hedgerows all the way back to the right of the first field. We were going to cross the road and Greg stopped to talk to some guy that he knew and Bacci started messing around with the hedgerow next to the road. I told him that it was just the carcasses that hunters threw out, but just then, a bird took off. I looked and couldn’t find it…I called to some guys in the road if they saw it, they hadn’t. So I went down the hedgerow. There were some guys coming the other way and they ended up putting up the bird and getting it…just after that they had another come out of the field. As I watched that happen, Bacci kicked up a cockbird from the hedgerow. I heard it try to take off but it never did. Bacci worked at getting it again, just then Caroline’s owner (nicky I think) came by and his dogs helped Bacci…but they didn’t get it. As we were messing around with that, a bird soared over our heads and landed in the first field. Greg and I went after it, but there were a bunch of other guys there. We lined up with them to work the field. It came out at the point, Greg and I both shot (but it was way far for me) and we both missed. Across the road to the hill. We messed around there, and to the mountain and back but nothing. We did have a great day though (after the crowds were gone).

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Date: 11/22/07
Season: Pheasant
Location: Flatbrook
Conditions: Sunny and unseasonably warm
Summary: Had planned on just going for a quickie today. There were a decent amount of birds today but it was no where as nutty as the last hunt. Greg brought a friend of his. We went through the first field and there were a few flyovers that we saw. Greg shot at one and got it…just as I got to the end of the first field, by the island, a cockbird came flying across the hedgerow from the other field. I folded it (later to learn that I absolutely smoked it). At the end, there was a bird in the brush, in a tree and Greg’s friend shot it after we tried to throw a bunch of sticks at it to get it to fly…unsuccessfully. We continued through the first field and then to the edge of the river. I ended up with just the one and then I headed home.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dani's first day of 2007

Date: 11/17/07
Season: Pheasant
Location: Flatbrook
Conditions: Cold (27) and sunny.
Summary: Took Dani on this hunt and we met up with Greg there. Wow, what a crazy day. We started out and got about half way through the first field when Bacci put up a cock bird. Greg and I both shot and Greg got it. About 40 more yards down the field the flood gates opened up. All I can remember is that Bacci was working a bird but it must have been a runner. Eventually he put up a cock bird, I shot and it fell…then as I was loading my gun a hen came out, I told Greg to take it, then another hen came out and I took it…in about 10-15 minutes we were done and headed back to the truck. There were birds everywhere you turned, coming from all directions! We hung out for a while just talking and then Dani and I took a ride near Van Campen and just hung for a while and then we came home.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Danny's Club

Date: 11/11/07
Season: Pheasant
Location: Dani’s club
Conditions: Beautiful, sunny and chilly
Summary: Picked up Uncle Sonny and aunt Carol and drove to Dani’s house. Once we got there we got into Dani’s truck and went to the club. It was fantastic to see how excited Uncle Sonny was. We got there and after some chit chat with the guys in the club we started hunting. We pushed out a lot of birds and I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn…but Uncle Sonny was right on and backed me on each shot. I ended up with one hen and uncle sonny got two pheasant and two chuckar.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Opening Day Pheasant!

Date: 11/10/07
Season: Pheasant
Location: Flatbrook
Conditions: Snowy.
Summary: Met up with Greg to hunt. The bridge was out so I parked across the river and walked to meet with him. It was a good day. We flushed one out of the first field and I got it. Then we wandered around. We eventually walked the river and towards the end Bacci put up a hen that we missed and then a cockbird that we shot at and winged it. We also saw a bird being shot from across the swamp and land near the swamp so we went looking for it. Found it and it wasn’t going anywhere…wasn’t dead but was winged. We looked around for more birds and then when we were about to end, we went back and found it dead so I kept it. Altogether Greg and I limited out. I just don’t remember them all.