Saturday, September 27, 2008

First evening at the club...

When: Saturday, September 27, 2008
Where: The club - stand 13
Weather: Impending storm...overcast, slightly warm
Time: 3:00 - 7:00

I went to the club in the afternoon. I was the only one there, I saw that Bob had been there in the morning because his name was on the stand 13 sticker, but he wasn't there. I got in the stand and by about 3:15 two does came tearing across the field from the riverside. Obviously spooked by something but I don't know what. Then at around 4:30 a button buck came down the road, across my stand and to the feeder...I sat and watched him for a little bit and then he left. Around 5:30-6:00 there was a spike that came from "up the hill"...meandered around in the field and then went up into the brush. He never showed any interest in the feeder at all. That was all I saw.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Same two bucks...

When: September 25, 2008
Where: Recycling Center - Fat man's stand
Weather: Windy and overcast (a storm approaching)
When: 3:00 - 7:00

I got in the stand at around 3. It was nice and cool and the breeze was blowing, the weather channel said to about 15 mph but it was gusty. I saw the typical...squirrels and turkeys. At around 5:30 a guy came walking up the path to bait the stand that I sat in on Tuesday...AT 5:30!! Are you kidding me!! He was there until about 5:50...drove me nuts!! Soon after he left, however, the small 4 and the big 5 (which I'm not calling a 4 1/2) came up to my stand. They were nervous and jerkey...but so were the turkeys and squirrels too. They came in from the stand that the guy was baiting, stayed for a minute and then walked back the same way. That was all I saw for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hey, that's my tree!

Date: September 23, 2008
Weather: slightly warm and sunny
Where: Recycling center
When: 3:00 - 7:20

I went to the recycling center this afternoon. When I got there there were no other cars so I made my way in. While I was getting dressed there were two guys in the parking lot. They were cutting down brush at the power lines. They said they just "chased a big 8 pointer". I went into the woods and set up where I did on opening morning. By the time I made it up the tree I was sweating and I finally settled in. Just then some big fat guy walked up to me and said "you're in my tree". I said "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was YOUR tree" He said "my rope is on the tree and my camera is on the other tree" I said "ok, but I learned for next year"...he said that there is plenty of deer and you could go right down the hill from here. I was going to make an issue but didn't want to give myself any trouble with Det. Dobbins so I went to the other stand. At around 4 I saw a fox that walked under my stand...I also had a bunch of turkeys come by again. At around 6 ish I had a small 4 pointer come to my stand and spend almost an hour eating under my stand. He left just before dark. I started to pack up when it started getting dark and a really nice bodied 4 came may have been a 5...his body was really nice. It was really dark though. The fat guy said that he's seen 4 8-pointers running around there so I didn't want to take the 5...we'll see how things work out as time goes on. I'm hoping to get back there on Thursday if the weather holds up.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

First day at the club...

Where: Club, stand 13
When: Sat. Sept 20
Time: 5:45 - 9:00
Weather: foggy and chilly

I met up with Bob, Tony and Brad at the club this morning. I went to stand 13 to sit for the morning post. I didn't see a thing. Tony was across the field at what he calls the "secret stand" and he saw a doe. Bob and Brad didn't see anything. Apparently, on opening week Tony got one, Greg shot and couldn't find and Bob shot and couldn't find...I think Brad has one. I'm going to hopefully go out again on 9-23 and 9-25.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pin cushion doe

Date: September 16, 2008
Place: MP tennis courts
Time: 3:30 - dark
Weather: overcast, cooler - in the low 70's

I got set up in my stand by 3:30. Almost immediately I saw four deer, I think they were does, about 70 yards away. Apparently another guy has a stand up there but he wasn't there. They picked around near that I think he has a feeder up there. They never came down to me. At around 6:00, I saw some deer meanerding around near the same stand as the others. They only stayed for a bit and then started working towards me. I had one doe come close and stare at me...she was tucked in some brush so I wasn't able to get a shot and she was with another small deer...not sure if it was a bb because he looked like he tried to mount her. She cautiously walked away and others were starting to surround me. There must have been 8-10 deer. One doe came in close, maybe 10 yards and turned. She was between broadside and quartering towards and I shot. She immediately went down. The shot was high and above the shoulder. Now I started to shake from the nerves/excitment. I took another arrow to put her out and I hit her in the backside, behind the belly but in front of the back legs. Oh my God, now I'm gettin frustrated...I took yet another arrow and nailed her right in the heart...she died immediately. When I went to check her in at Frank's, I saw the most amazing 12-point buck ever. He had double brow tines and a two drop tines.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Opening day, Bow 2008

Place: The Recycling Center
Time: 5:00am - 11:45pm
Weather: It rained the night before and started out cloudy and muggy and foggy. The sun came out and it was soupy.

I got into the tree at around 5am. I did see someone else come in with thier flashlight and I shone mine at them once or twice and I'm assuming they just got up in the tree. At daybreak, I had a hen turkey clucking around me. She started to yelp a few times too. At around 7:00ish I had a spike come up from down below and up towards my tree. He spotted me as I wasn't very high in the tree and walked around me. Shortly afterwards, a 4 pointer came up the same trail. He also saw me after feeding for a bit but wasn't overly concerned. The spike walked away once the 4 got there. After a minute or two the 4 walked away, unspooked. Soon after the 4 left 4 jakes came by. They fed there for a while and then walked away but stayed in the area for the whole morning walking back and forth feeding. A while later they were joined by a long beard and two hens...they all hung out until I had to get down from the stand around 11:30. Then they hurried off, but they didn't freak. I had a band gig so I couldn't go out in the afternoon. I'm hoping to go on Tuesday, Sept 16

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tomorrow is opener!!

Well, it's finally here! BOW SEASON!! I am going to go to the recycling center. I had a little bit of an issue there this week. I went to go check it out and there was a cam and a feeder hung were I was going to hunt. So I left a note on the tree for the guy to call me. Luckily he did and said he wasn't going there on opening morning so I'll be there. There are at least two other guys on this property but I'm going to try it anyway. I also have been looking at the property behind the tennis courts and pool. The area behind the tennis courts looks good, I saw tracks there and deer there after the meeting. I was concerned about hunting too close to houses but Ed Dobbins told me that I'm far enough away and that I could hunt near the pool house if I wanted to as well. So...I'll hopfully be able to write with some good news...I'm also going to try and film my hunt too...that's if the weather's raining now.