Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hey, that's my tree!

Date: September 23, 2008
Weather: slightly warm and sunny
Where: Recycling center
When: 3:00 - 7:20

I went to the recycling center this afternoon. When I got there there were no other cars so I made my way in. While I was getting dressed there were two guys in the parking lot. They were cutting down brush at the power lines. They said they just "chased a big 8 pointer". I went into the woods and set up where I did on opening morning. By the time I made it up the tree I was sweating and I finally settled in. Just then some big fat guy walked up to me and said "you're in my tree". I said "I'm sorry, I didn't know this was YOUR tree" He said "my rope is on the tree and my camera is on the other tree" I said "ok, but I learned for next year"...he said that there is plenty of deer and you could go right down the hill from here. I was going to make an issue but didn't want to give myself any trouble with Det. Dobbins so I went to the other stand. At around 4 I saw a fox that walked under my stand...I also had a bunch of turkeys come by again. At around 6 ish I had a small 4 pointer come to my stand and spend almost an hour eating under my stand. He left just before dark. I started to pack up when it started getting dark and a really nice bodied 4 came by...it may have been a 5...his body was really nice. It was really dark though. The fat guy said that he's seen 4 8-pointers running around there so I didn't want to take the 5...we'll see how things work out as time goes on. I'm hoping to get back there on Thursday if the weather holds up.

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