Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pin cushion doe

Date: September 16, 2008
Place: MP tennis courts
Time: 3:30 - dark
Weather: overcast, cooler - in the low 70's

I got set up in my stand by 3:30. Almost immediately I saw four deer, I think they were does, about 70 yards away. Apparently another guy has a stand up there but he wasn't there. They picked around near that stand...so I think he has a feeder up there. They never came down to me. At around 6:00, I saw some deer meanerding around near the same stand as the others. They only stayed for a bit and then started working towards me. I had one doe come close and stare at me...she was tucked in some brush so I wasn't able to get a shot and she was with another small deer...not sure if it was a bb because he looked like he tried to mount her. She cautiously walked away and others were starting to surround me. There must have been 8-10 deer. One doe came in close, maybe 10 yards and turned. She was between broadside and quartering towards and I shot. She immediately went down. The shot was high and above the shoulder. Now I started to shake from the nerves/excitment. I took another arrow to put her out and I hit her in the backside, behind the belly but in front of the back legs. Oh my God, now I'm gettin frustrated...I took yet another arrow and nailed her right in the heart...she died immediately. When I went to check her in at Frank's, I saw the most amazing 12-point buck ever. He had double brow tines and a two drop tines.

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