Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 shots...really?!

Went to the club today. Got there around 2:00 and decided to go to stand 13. It was absolutely a beautiful day...a little breezy, but really nice. Before I got into the stand I decided that I wanted to shoot a few arrows to make sure that everything is still good. I shot from 15 yards out to 30 at a water bottle and nailed it every time...I was good to go. I got into the stand and just really enjoyed sitting there. At around 5:30 I saw movement up the hill in the bushes. It was two deer...didn't see what, but they were quickly gone. About 20 minutes later, through the trees I could see movement and it was a doe heading towards my stand. I was calm and waited for her to be broadside. I had ranged the spot to be around 21 yards and I let the arrow fly. Whiz, right over her her back...what happened?! I slowly reached around and got another arrow...nocked it and by this time, she was joined by another doe. The second doe gave me a nice broadside shot and then whiz...over her back again. Ok...I suck. How could I miss high twice...I shot right before I got into the stand!? The first doe took off but the second one ran right under my stand...about 5 yards away. I wondered if I could risk getting another arrow. She started to inch forward and gave me the opportunity to get another arrow. I nocked it and this time held lower. The shot was quartering away and the arrow went right through her from the top back, through her chest and out her left leg...busting the left leg. That put her down right away. I climbed out of the stand and although she was hit hard, I decided that I wanted to put another arrow through her heart to put her down...which I did. I walked to the truck to get rope to drag her and by the time I got back, she was done. Three shots...REALLY!?

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