Thursday, October 21, 2010

Finally scored! What an adventure...

Ok, so after taking the day off to go golfing in the morning (with Terry the Scot), I headed to the Tower for some afternoon action. I had a good feeling about the day even though it was pretty windy. The weather was nice, around 50 and the sun was peeking in and out throughout the day. I settled in to the tree around 3...and was right near where I had been seeing deer. I tried to get myself right where I saw the does from the prior time there. At around 4:30 or so the action started. I had three does work towards me from along the bottom (from the direction of the tower). They started working up the hill and got to about 35 yards from me. One doe, the biggest, came around the front and looked right at me. She didn't like what she saw but started walking towards me. I drew back when her head was behind a tree and then, around 30 yards out...facing me, she stopped still. I held for as long as I could but then had to let down. When I did she took off blowing. To my surprise, the other two that were with her didn't blow. They just kept feeding. I then noticed that there was a buck in tow with them. He was small...maybe it was the pencil 4 from the last time. He chased after them up the hill...and then a few moments later, back down the hill and then they were gone.

A half hour or so later I noticed movement near the apartments. A nicer buck walked along the wall and up the hill. Never came close enough for a better look but when it got to the top of the hill I heard a loud noise. I could only see shadows but it looked like he was in a fight with another buck...and then it sounded like a tree came down and they were gone. lol

After that excitement I just stood in my stand as it started to get dark. As I thought of the day, I listened to all the squirrels around when movement caught my eye. Right behind me, to the right was a deer...not a squirrel. It was right under my stand. I froze and watched as it came right under my stand and stopped. I wondered if I was going to get a shot but was fairly certain that I would so I tried to remain calm. As I watched, it turned and started to walk off...I drew back and when it turned sideways, I let an arrow fly. Just as I did two years ago, I spined it and it went right down. I had to hit it with another arrow but it was right under my stand. I drew and shot...this time it just grazed it. It was essentially right under me. It dragged itself down the hill a little and I took yet another arrow and shot. This time getting it right in the front. I must have missed the heard because it didn't die. It must have been too far forward. Well, I was out of arrows and out of patience and I felt bad for the down the tree. I got to the deer and slit it's throat. Huh...still didn't die. So, I removed the arrow from it's back...walked around to the front of it and plunged the arrow by hand right into the heart. Within a minute the deer died...finally.

I gutted the deer and got my stuff together. I started the drag out...hmmm... sure does seem like I've been walking for a while. Why didn't I find the's kind of dark...where am I?! Those are some of the things that were going threw my head. I missed my mark and got totally turned around. I kept thinking that I was below the tower and that I would eventually hit the street...but instead I was still above the tower and walked further and further from my truck. As I was walking, I kept looking out for some sign of direction and stopped paying attention to where I was walking...THUD...I fell on something and as I went down and cracked my stand came up and smacked me on the back of the head. I saw stars. I got up and continued...following lights that I could see through the trees. I finally realized that I was on the edge of the woods, at the back of someone's backyard. I sat down...turned off the flashlight and called the police. I wanted them to know from me before they got a call. I left the deer in the woods and walked to the house. I needed to let them know I had a deer behind the house AND to find out where the heck I was. Well, I knocked on the door but no one was I went to the next door neighbor. Some guy answers and I said "Hi, my name is Keith and I got a little lost and I was wondering if you could help me"...he said "no" and closed the door. WTF! I walked down the street a little and went to another person. It was a really nice kid and his father...after going inside to Google it...he came out and they both helped me find my way. I had walked clear into the next town!! I found my way back to my truck and then drove back to get my deer. What an unforgettable night!

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