Saturday, November 13, 2010

I've never seen so many birds!

Started out the day by going up to Flatbrook to hunt pheasants. It was more crowded than I could ever remember seeing it. I mean, crazy crowded. We, Greg and I, stepped into the first field and all hell broke loose. There were birds EVERYWHERE. Too many birds, actually. It was actually a bit scary for the first 10 minutes with guys shooting everywhere. Here are the things that I can remember...Greg and I couldn't shoot for anything and missed a whole lot of birds. Secondly, we both got our two birds each, but I just can't remember where. There were too many shots, too many birds, too many opportunities for me to remember which ones we actually connected on. I also remember that after that first bit of insanity, we walked all the way towards the back down the riverside and then back around through the swamp side. As was the mode of the day, we did see a bird going down the riverside but she flushed and flew too low to the ground so I didn't want to take the shot. Couldn't find her again. On the way back we flushed a bird while going through the swamp and as we were going to find where he landed, some other guys beat us to it. We worked our way back to the hillside. By now the crowd had dissipated a bit and we walked through the hillside. To our surprise, we put up a cockbird on the top of the hill. It was totally unprovoked but must have been walking around and got spooked by us. Then we walked down the left side and put up a hen bird that was tucked into the briars. We carefully got ourselves ready...called in the dog to get a good sniff and when we were ready, we had her come out and flush...we shot four times and apparently missed!! We went to where we thought the bird landed and scoured the area...couldn't find her. We decided to move along. Just past where we found the hen in the briars, Bacci started getting birdy again. I saw what he was working on, a hen tucked into the bottom of a tree. Again, Greg and I got ready...called in the dog and when she took off...we both shot and MISSED AGAIN! This is crazy...this is horrible! We walked along into the swamp and as we were rounding the bottom of the hill in the swamp Bacci went on point. As we got closer a hen took off...I wasn't letting her get away this time! We decided to head back to the trucks because I wanted to get to deer hunting. As we were just about to the truck, Bacci went on point. This bird was a dead hen...right where we thought the one we shot at earlier had landed. We think that it was the same bird...that she had died and we couldn't find her.

I then headed off to the dump to see if I could find some bucks. It was a beautiful day out and I enjoyed sitting there tremendously. At around 2:30 I heard a bunch of noise behind me. It was a flock of turkeys picking their way towards me. They came in on me and got a little startled and took off running back to where they came. About 20 minutes later a spike buck walked across the top, towards the dump area and about 40 yards away from me. He walked straight across and into the field. A little while later, the turkeys ventured back to they were feeding around, the spike walked back towards me. Then, the turkeys actually chased him away! One or two of the birds would walk towards him and he would walk away...then they would pursue and he would walk away and this went on until the spike was out of sight. At around 3:00, that guy that is starting to really piss me off came walking into the woods. He wasn't in camo, but jeans and a sweatshirt. He walked in the woods towards his stand, circled and left. I have no clue...but he's starting to get on my nerves. When we walked through the turks were still there. I thought they would have flown off but they just sort of side-stepped him and that was it. That was the only bit of action I saw all day.

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