Saturday, November 27, 2010

Need to find a new place...

It's just too damned crowded! Went to Flatbrook and met up with Greg, along with a thousand of his closest friends. Went through the first field and on the way in, we didn't put anything up. We turned to come back and as we got towards the end we put up a hen. I missed twice (bit shock there) and we thought she went into the point. As we were looking in there someone else came along and flushed a cockbird. I shot and, yup, you guessed it, I missed. We went across the road and found the hen...put it up and Greg got her. As we went around the hill Bacci flushed another cockbird which was too far to get a shot. We doubled back over the top because Bacci was on scent. We followed it up and over until we found a cockbird tucked next to a tree...he took off but never flew high or far. Bacci chased him down and got him. When we got him we were at the bottom of the hill near the little field so we popped out into the hedgerow where Bacci put up another hen...Greg got him. So, if you're keeping score that's two for Greg, one for Bacci and none for me. We were going to work the field but there were a lot of guys so we went back into the woods and towards the parking lot. We got to the top of the hill and Bacci saw a cockbird almost at the same time as I did. I had him on one side, Bacci on the other and Greg cut off the it was triangularly surrounded. It decided to fly straight up and I finally connected on a bird! It was a good day all in all.

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